Source code for kaldi.fstext.utils

from .. import fstext as _fstext
from . import _fst
from . import _fstext_shims
from . import _fstext_utils_inl

from ._fstext_shims import *
from ._fstext_utils import *
from ._fstext_utils_inl import *
from ._lattice_utils import *

[docs]def convert_lattice_to_compact_lattice(ifst, invert=True): """Converts lattice to compact lattice. Args: ifst (LatticeFst): The input lattice. invert (bool): Invert input and output labels. Returns: CompactLatticeVectorFst: The output compact lattice. """ ofst = _fstext.CompactLatticeVectorFst() _fstext_shims._convert_lattice_to_compact_lattice(ifst, ofst, invert) return ofst
[docs]def convert_compact_lattice_to_lattice(ifst, invert=True): """Converts compact lattice to lattice. Args: ifst (CompactLatticeFst): The input compact lattice. invert (bool): Invert input and output labels. Returns: LatticeVectorFst: The output lattice. """ ofst = _fstext.LatticeVectorFst() _fstext_shims._convert_compact_lattice_to_lattice(ifst, ofst, invert) return ofst
[docs]def convert_lattice_to_std(ifst): """Converts lattice to FST over tropical semiring. Args: ifst (LatticeFst): The input lattice. Returns: StdVectorFst: The output FST. """ ofst = _fstext.StdVectorFst() _fstext_shims._convert_lattice_to_std(ifst, ofst) return ofst
[docs]def convert_std_to_lattice(ifst): """Converts FST over tropical semiring to lattice. Args: ifst (StdFst): The input FST. Returns: LatticeVectorFst: The output lattice. """ ofst = _fstext.LatticeVectorFst() _fstext_shims._convert_std_to_lattice(ifst, ofst) return ofst
[docs]def get_linear_symbol_sequence(fst): """Extracts linear symbol sequences from the input FST. Args: fst: The input FST. Returns: The tuple (isymbols, osymbols, total_weight). """ if isinstance(fst, _fst.StdFst): return _fstext_utils_inl._get_linear_symbol_sequence_from_std(fst) elif isinstance(fst, _fst.LatticeFst): return _fstext_shims._get_linear_symbol_sequence_from_lattice(fst) elif isinstance(fst, _fst.CompactLatticeFst): return _fstext_shims._get_linear_symbol_sequence_from_compact_lattice(fst) else: raise TypeError("Input FST arc type is not supported.")
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