PyKaldi has built-in support for common FST types (including Kaldi lattices and
KWS index) and operations. The API for the user facing PyKaldi FST types and
operations is mostly defined in Python mimicking the API exposed by OpenFst's
official Python wrapper `pywrapfst
<http://www.openfst.org/twiki/bin/view/FST/PythonExtension>`_ to a large extent.
This includes integrations with Graphviz and IPython for interactive
visualization of FSTs.
There are two major differences between the PyKaldi FST package and pywrapfst:
#. PyKaldi bindings are generated with CLIF while pywrapfst bindings are
generated with Cython. This allows PyKaldi FST types to work seamlessly with
the rest of the PyKaldi package.
#. In contrast to pywrapfst, PyKaldi does not wrap OpenFst scripting API, which
uses virtual dispatch, function registration, and dynamic loading of shared
objects to provide a common interface shared by FSTs of different semirings.
While this change requires wrapping each semiring specialization separately
in PyKaldi, it gives users the ability to pass FST objects directly to the
myriad PyKaldi functions accepting FST arguments.
Operations which construct new FSTs are implemented as traditional functions, as
are two-argument boolean functions like `equal` and `equivalent`. Convert
operation is not implemented as a separate function since FSTs already support
construction from other FST types, e.g. vector FSTs can be constructed from
constant FSTs and vice versa. Destructive operations---those that mutate an FST,
in place---are instance methods, as is `write`.
The following example, based on `Mohri et al. 2002`_, shows the construction of
an ASR graph given a pronunciation lexicon L, grammar G, a transducer from
context-dependent phones to context-independent phones C, and an HMM set H::
import kaldi.fstext as fst
L = fst.StdVectorFst.read("L.fst")
G = fst.StdVectorFst.read("G.fst")
C = fst.StdVectorFst.read("C.fst")
H = fst.StdVectorFst.read("H.fst")
LG = fst.determinize(fst.compose(L, G))
CLG = fst.determinize(fst.compose(C, LG))
HCLG = fst.determinize(fst.compose(H, CLG))
HCLG.minimize() # NB: works in-place.
.. _`Mohri et al. 2002`:
.. autoconstant:: NO_STATE_ID
.. autoconstant:: NO_LABEL
.. autoconstant:: ENCODE_FLAGS
.. autoconstant:: ENCODE_LABELS
.. autoconstant:: ENCODE_WEIGHTS
from ..util import io as _io
from _getters import EncodeType, MatchType
from ._symbol_table import *
from . import _float_weight
from . import _lattice_weight
from . import _lexicographic_weight
from ._arc import *
from ._encode import *
from . import _compiler
from ._fst import NO_STATE_ID, NO_LABEL
from ._fst import FstHeader, FstReadOptions, FstWriteOptions
from . import _fstext_shims
from . import _vector_fst
from . import _const_fst
from . import _drawer
from . import _printer
from . import _std_ops
from . import _log_ops
from . import _lat_ops
from . import _clat_ops
from . import _index_ops
from ._api import *
[docs]class SymbolTableIterator(_symbol_table.SymbolTableIterator):
"""Symbol table iterator.
This class is used for iterating over the (index, symbol) pairs in a symbol
table. In addition to the full C++ API, it also supports the iterator
protocol, e.g. ::
# Returns a symbol table containing only symbols referenced by fst.
def prune_symbol_table(fst, syms, inp=True):
seen = set([0])
for s in fst.states():
for a in fst.arcs(s):
seen.add(a.ilabel if inp else a.olabel)
pruned = SymbolTable()
for label, symbol in SymbolTableIterator(syms):
if label in seen:
pruned.add_pair(symbol, label)
return pruned
table: The symbol table.
def __iter__(self):
while not self.done():
yield self.value(), self.symbol()
[docs]def indices_to_symbols(symbol_table, indices):
"""Converts indices to symbols by looking them up in the symbol table.
symbol_table (SymbolTable): The symbol table.
indices (List[int]): The list of indices.
List[str]: The list of symbols corresponding to the given indices.
KeyError: If an index is not found in the symbol table.
symbols = []
for index in indices:
symbol = symbol_table.find_symbol(index)
if symbol == "":
raise KeyError("Index {} is not found in the symbol table."
return symbols
[docs]def symbols_to_indices(symbol_table, symbols):
"""Converts symbols to indices by looking them up in the symbol table.
symbol_table (SymbolTable): The symbol table.
indices (List[str]): The list of symbols.
List[int]: The list of indices corresponding to the given symbols.
KeyError: If a symbol is not found in the symbol table.
indices = []
for symbol in symbols:
index = symbol_table.find_index(symbol)
if index == -1:
raise KeyError("Symbol {} is not found in the symbol table."
return indices
# Tropical semiring
[docs]class TropicalWeight(_float_weight.TropicalWeight):
"""Tropical weight factory.
This class is used for creating new `~weight.TropicalWeight` instances.
Creates an uninitialized `~weight.TropicalWeight` instance.
Creates a new `~weight.TropicalWeight` instance initalized with the
weight(float or FloatWeight): The weight value.
def __new__(cls, weight=None):
if weight is None:
return _float_weight.TropicalWeight()
if isinstance(weight, _float_weight.FloatWeight):
return _float_weight.TropicalWeight.from_float(weight.value)
return _float_weight.TropicalWeight.from_float(weight)
[docs]class StdArc(_api._ArcBase, _arc.StdArc):
"""FST Arc with tropical weight."""
[docs]class StdEncodeMapper(_api._EncodeMapper, _encode.StdEncodeMapper):
"""Arc encoder for an FST over the tropical semiring."""
[docs]class StdFstCompiler(_api._FstCompiler):
"""Compiler for FSTs over the tropical semiring."""
_compiler_type = _compiler.StdFstCompiler
class _StdFstDrawer(_api._FstDrawer, _drawer.StdFstDrawer):
"""Drawer for FSTs over the tropical semiring."""
class _StdFstPrinter(_api._FstPrinter, _printer.StdFstPrinter):
"""Printer for FSTs over the tropical semiring."""
[docs]class StdVectorFstStateIterator(_api._StateIteratorBase,
"""State iterator for a vector FST over the tropical semiring.
This class is used for iterating over the states. In addition to the full
C++ API, it also supports the iterator protocol. Most users should just call
the `states` method of an FST object instead of directly constructing this
iterator and take advantage of the Pythonic API.
[docs]class StdVectorFstArcIterator(_api._ArcIteratorBase,
"""Arc iterator for a vector FST over the tropical semiring.
This class is used for iterating over the arcs leaving some state. In
addition to the full C++ API, it also supports the iterator protocol.
Most users should just call the `arcs` method of an FST object instead of
directly constructing this iterator and take advantage of the Pythonic API.
[docs]class StdVectorFstMutableArcIterator(
"""Mutable arc iterator for a vector FST over the tropical semiring.
This class is used for iterating over the arcs leaving some state and
optionally replacing them with new ones. In addition to the full C++ API,
it also supports the iterator protocol. Calling the `__iter__` method of a
mutable arc iterator object returns an iterator over `(arc, setter)` pairs.
The `setter` is a bound method of the mutable arc iterator object that can
be used to replace the current arc with a new one. Most users should just
call the `mutable_arcs` method of a vector FST object instead of directly
constructing this iterator and take advantage of the Pythonic API, e.g. ::
for arc, setter in fst.mutable_arcs(0):
setter(StdArc(arc.ilabel, 0, arc.weight, arc.nextstate))
[docs]class StdVectorFst(_api._MutableFstBase, _vector_fst.StdVectorFst):
"""Vector FST over the tropical semiring."""
_ops = _std_ops
_drawer_type = _StdFstDrawer
_printer_type = _StdFstPrinter
_weight_factory = TropicalWeight
_state_iterator_type = StdVectorFstStateIterator
_arc_iterator_type = StdVectorFstArcIterator
_mutable_arc_iterator_type = StdVectorFstMutableArcIterator
def __init__(self, fst=None):
fst (StdFst): The input FST over the tropical semiring.
If provided, its contents are used for initializing the new FST.
Defaults to ``None``.
super(StdVectorFst, self).__init__()
if fst is not None:
if isinstance(fst, _vector_fst.StdVectorFst):
# This assignment shares implementation with COW semantics.
_fstext_shims._assign_std_vector_fst(fst, self)
elif isinstance(fst, _fst.StdFst):
# This assignment makes a copy.
_fstext_shims._assign_std_fst_to_vector_fst(fst, self)
raise TypeError("fst should be an FST over the tropical "
StdVectorFst._mutable_fst_type = StdVectorFst
[docs]class StdConstFstStateIterator(_api._StateIteratorBase,
"""State iterator for a constant FST over the tropical semiring.
This class is used for iterating over the states. In addition to the full
C++ API, it also supports the iterator protocol. Most users should just call
the `states` method of an FST object instead of directly constructing this
iterator and take advantage of the Pythonic API.
[docs]class StdConstFstArcIterator(_api._ArcIteratorBase,
"""Arc iterator for a constant FST over the tropical semiring.
This class is used for iterating over the arcs leaving some state. In
addition to the full C++ API, it also supports the iterator protocol.
Most users should just call the `arcs` method of an FST object instead of
directly constructing this iterator and take advantage of the Pythonic API.
[docs]class StdConstFst(_api._FstBase, _const_fst.StdConstFst):
"""Constant FST over the tropical semiring."""
_ops = _std_ops
_drawer_type = _StdFstDrawer
_printer_type = _StdFstPrinter
_weight_factory = TropicalWeight
_state_iterator_type = StdConstFstStateIterator
_arc_iterator_type = StdConstFstArcIterator
def __init__(self, fst=None):
fst (StdFst): The input FST over the tropical semiring.
If provided, its contents are used for initializing the new FST.
Defaults to ``None``.
super(StdConstFst, self).__init__()
if fst is not None:
if isinstance(fst, _const_fst.StdConstFst):
# This assignment shares implementation with COW semantics.
_fstext_shims._assign_std_const_fst(fst, self)
elif isinstance(fst, _fst.StdFst):
# This assignment makes a copy.
_fstext_shims._assign_std_fst_to_const_fst(fst, self)
raise TypeError("fst should be an FST over the tropical "
StdConstFst._mutable_fst_type = StdVectorFst
# Log semiring
[docs]class LogWeight(_float_weight.LogWeight):
"""Log weight factory.
This class is used for creating new `~weight.LogWeight` instances.
Creates an uninitialized `~weight.LogWeight` instance.
Creates a new `~weight.LogWeight` instance initalized with the weight.
weight(float or FloatWeight): The weight value.
def __new__(cls, weight=None):
if weight is None:
return _float_weight.LogWeight()
if isinstance(weight, _float_weight.FloatWeight):
return _float_weight.LogWeight.from_float(weight.value)
return _float_weight.LogWeight.from_float(weight)
[docs]class LogArc(_api._ArcBase, _arc.LogArc):
"""FST Arc with log weight."""
[docs]class LogEncodeMapper(_api._EncodeMapper, _encode.LogEncodeMapper):
"""Arc encoder for an FST over the log semiring."""
[docs]class LogFstCompiler(_api._FstCompiler):
"""Compiler for FSTs over the log semiring."""
_compiler_type = _compiler.LogFstCompiler
class _LogFstDrawer(_api._FstDrawer, _drawer.LogFstDrawer):
"""Drawer for FSTs over the log semiring."""
class _LogFstPrinter(_api._FstPrinter, _printer.LogFstPrinter):
"""Printer for FSTs over the log semiring."""
[docs]class LogVectorFstStateIterator(_api._StateIteratorBase,
"""State iterator for a vector FST over the log semiring.
This class is used for iterating over the states. In addition to the full
C++ API, it also supports the iterator protocol. Most users should just call
the `states` method of an FST object instead of directly constructing this
iterator and take advantage of the Pythonic API.
[docs]class LogVectorFstArcIterator(_api._ArcIteratorBase,
"""Arc iterator for a vector FST over the log semiring.
This class is used for iterating over the arcs leaving some state. In
addition to the full C++ API, it also supports the iterator protocol.
Most users should just call the `arcs` method of an FST object instead of
directly constructing this iterator and take advantage of the Pythonic API.
[docs]class LogVectorFstMutableArcIterator(
"""Mutable arc iterator for a vector FST over the log semiring.
This class is used for iterating over the arcs leaving some state and
optionally replacing them with new ones. In addition to the full C++ API,
it also supports the iterator protocol. Calling the `__iter__` method of a
mutable arc iterator object returns an iterator over `(arc, setter)` pairs.
The `setter` is a bound method of the mutable arc iterator object that can
be used to replace the current arc with a new one. Most users should just
call the `mutable_arcs` method of a vector FST object instead of directly
constructing this iterator and take advantage of the Pythonic API, e.g. ::
for arc, setter in logfst.mutable_arcs(0):
setter(LogArc(arc.ilabel, 0, arc.weight, arc.nextstate))
[docs]class LogVectorFst(_api._MutableFstBase, _vector_fst.LogVectorFst):
"""Vector FST over the log semiring."""
_ops = _log_ops
_drawer_type = _LogFstDrawer
_printer_type = _LogFstPrinter
_weight_factory = LogWeight
_state_iterator_type = LogVectorFstStateIterator
_arc_iterator_type = LogVectorFstArcIterator
_mutable_arc_iterator_type = LogVectorFstMutableArcIterator
def __init__(self, fst=None):
fst (LogFst): The input FST over the log semiring.
If provided, its contents are used for initializing the new FST.
Defaults to ``None``.
super(LogVectorFst, self).__init__()
if fst is not None:
if isinstance(fst, _vector_fst.LogVectorFst):
# This assignment shares implementation with COW semantics.
_fstext_shims._assign_log_vector_fst(fst, self)
elif isinstance(fst, _fst.LogFst):
# This assignment makes a copy.
_fstext_shims._assign_log_fst_to_vector_fst(fst, self)
raise TypeError("fst should be an FST over the log semiring")
LogVectorFst._mutable_fst_type = LogVectorFst
[docs]class LogConstFstStateIterator(_api._StateIteratorBase,
"""State iterator for a constant FST over the log semiring.
This class is used for iterating over the states. In addition to the full
C++ API, it also supports the iterator protocol. Most users should just call
the `states` method of an FST object instead of directly constructing this
iterator and take advantage of the Pythonic API.
[docs]class LogConstFstArcIterator(_api._ArcIteratorBase,
"""Arc iterator for a constant FST over the log semiring.
This class is used for iterating over the arcs leaving some state. In
addition to the full C++ API, it also supports the iterator protocol.
Most users should just call the `arcs` method of an FST object instead of
directly constructing this iterator and take advantage of the Pythonic API.
[docs]class LogConstFst(_api._FstBase, _const_fst.LogConstFst):
"""Constant FST over the log semiring."""
_ops = _log_ops
_drawer_type = _LogFstDrawer
_printer_type = _LogFstPrinter
_weight_factory = LogWeight
_state_iterator_type = LogConstFstStateIterator
_arc_iterator_type = LogConstFstArcIterator
def __init__(self, fst=None):
fst (LogFst): The input FST over the log semiring.
If provided, its contents are used for initializing the new FST.
Defaults to ``None``.
super(LogConstFst, self).__init__()
if fst is not None:
if isinstance(fst, _const_fst.LogConstFst):
# This assignment shares implementation with COW semantics.
_fstext_shims._assign_log_const_fst(fst, self)
elif isinstance(fst, _fst.LogFst):
# This assignment makes a copy.
_fstext_shims._assign_log_fst_to_const_fst(fst, self)
raise TypeError("fst should be an FST over the log semiring")
LogConstFst._mutable_fst_type = LogVectorFst
# Lattice semiring
[docs]class LatticeWeight(_lattice_weight.LatticeWeight):
"""Lattice weight factory.
This class is used for creating new `~weight.LatticeWeight` instances.
Creates an uninitialized `~weight.LatticeWeight` instance.
Creates a new `~weight.LatticeWeight` instance initalized with the
weight(Tuple[float, float] or LatticeWeight): A pair of weight values
or another `~weight.LatticeWeight` instance.
LatticeWeight(weight1, weight2):
Creates a new `~weight.LatticeWeight` instance initalized with the
weight1(float): The first weight value.
weight2(float): The second weight value.
def __new__(cls, *args):
if len(args) == 0:
return _lattice_weight.LatticeWeight()
if len(args) == 1:
if isinstance(args[0], tuple) and len(args[0]) == 2:
args = args[0]
return _lattice_weight.LatticeWeight.from_other(args[0])
return _lattice_weight.LatticeWeight.from_pair(*args)
[docs]class LatticeArc(_api._ArcBase, _arc.LatticeArc):
"""FST Arc with lattice weight."""
[docs]class LatticeEncodeMapper(_api._EncodeMapper, _encode.LatticeEncodeMapper):
"""Arc encoder for an FST over the lattice semiring."""
[docs]class LatticeFstCompiler(_api._FstCompiler):
"""Compiler for FSTs over the lattice semiring."""
_compiler_type = _compiler.LatticeFstCompiler
class _LatticeFstDrawer(_api._FstDrawer, _drawer.LatticeFstDrawer):
"""Drawer for FSTs over the lattice semiring."""
class _LatticeFstPrinter(_api._FstPrinter, _printer.LatticeFstPrinter):
"""Printer for FSTs over the lattice semiring."""
[docs]class LatticeVectorFstStateIterator(_api._StateIteratorBase,
"""State iterator for a vector FST over the lattice semiring.
This class is used for iterating over the states. In addition to the full
C++ API, it also supports the iterator protocol. Most users should just call
the `states` method of an FST object instead of directly constructing this
iterator and take advantage of the Pythonic API.
[docs]class LatticeVectorFstArcIterator(_api._ArcIteratorBase,
"""Arc iterator for a vector FST over the lattice semiring.
This class is used for iterating over the arcs leaving some state. In
addition to the full C++ API, it also supports the iterator protocol.
Most users should just call the `arcs` method of an FST object instead of
directly constructing this iterator and take advantage of the Pythonic API.
[docs]class LatticeVectorFstMutableArcIterator(
"""Mutable arc iterator for a vector FST over the lattice semiring.
This class is used for iterating over the arcs leaving some state and
optionally replacing them with new ones. In addition to the full C++ API,
it also supports the iterator protocol. Calling the `__iter__` method of a
mutable arc iterator object returns an iterator over `(arc, setter)` pairs.
The `setter` is a bound method of the mutable arc iterator object that can
be used to replace the current arc with a new one. Most users should just
call the `mutable_arcs` method of a vector FST object instead of directly
constructing this iterator and take advantage of the Pythonic API, e.g. ::
for arc, setter in lattice.mutable_arcs(0):
setter(LatticeArc(arc.ilabel, 0, arc.weight, arc.nextstate))
[docs]class LatticeVectorFst(_api._MutableFstBase, _vector_fst.LatticeVectorFst):
"""Vector FST over the lattice semiring."""
_ops = _lat_ops
_drawer_type = _LatticeFstDrawer
_printer_type = _LatticeFstPrinter
_weight_factory = LatticeWeight
_state_iterator_type = LatticeVectorFstStateIterator
_arc_iterator_type = LatticeVectorFstArcIterator
_mutable_arc_iterator_type = LatticeVectorFstMutableArcIterator
def __init__(self, fst=None):
fst (LatticeFst): The input FST over the lattice semiring.
If provided, its contents are used for initializing the new FST.
Defaults to ``None``.
super(LatticeVectorFst, self).__init__()
if fst is not None:
if isinstance(fst, _vector_fst.LatticeVectorFst):
# This assignment shares implementation with COW semantics.
_fstext_shims._assign_lattice_vector_fst(fst, self)
elif isinstance(fst, _fst.LatticeFst):
# This assignment makes a copy.
_fstext_shims._assign_lattice_fst_to_vector_fst(fst, self)
raise TypeError("fst should be an FST over the lattice "
LatticeVectorFst._mutable_fst_type = LatticeVectorFst
[docs]class LatticeConstFstStateIterator(_api._StateIteratorBase,
"""State iterator for a constant FST over the lattice semiring.
This class is used for iterating over the states. In addition to the full
C++ API, it also supports the iterator protocol. Most users should just call
the `states` method of an FST object instead of directly constructing this
iterator and take advantage of the Pythonic API.
[docs]class LatticeConstFstArcIterator(_api._ArcIteratorBase,
"""Arc iterator for a constant FST over the lattice semiring.
This class is used for iterating over the arcs leaving some state. In
addition to the full C++ API, it also supports the iterator protocol.
Most users should just call the `arcs` method of an FST object instead of
directly constructing this iterator and take advantage of the Pythonic API.
[docs]class LatticeConstFst(_api._FstBase, _const_fst.LatticeConstFst):
"""Constant FST over the lattice semiring."""
_ops = _lat_ops
_drawer_type = _LatticeFstDrawer
_printer_type = _LatticeFstPrinter
_weight_factory = LatticeWeight
_state_iterator_type = LatticeConstFstStateIterator
_arc_iterator_type = LatticeConstFstArcIterator
def __init__(self, fst=None):
fst (LatticeFst): The input FST over the lattice semiring.
If provided, its contents are used for initializing the new FST.
Defaults to ``None``.
super(LatticeConstFst, self).__init__()
if fst is not None:
if isinstance(fst, _const_fst.LatticeConstFst):
# This assignment shares implementation with COW semantics.
_fstext_shims._assign_lattice_const_fst(fst, self)
elif isinstance(fst, _fst.LatticeFst):
# This assignment makes a copy.
_fstext_shims._assign_lattice_fst_to_const_fst(fst, self)
raise TypeError("fst should be an FST over the lattice "
LatticeConstFst._mutable_fst_type = LatticeVectorFst
# CompactLattice semiring
[docs]class CompactLatticeWeight(_lattice_weight.CompactLatticeWeight):
"""Compact lattice weight factory.
This class is used for creating new `~weight.CompactLatticeWeight`
Creates an uninitialized `~weight.CompactLatticeWeight` instance.
Creates a new `~weight.CompactLatticeWeight` instance initalized with
the weight.
weight(Tuple[Tuple[float, float], List[int]] or Tuple[LatticeWeight, List[int]] or CompactLatticeWeight):
A pair of weight values or another `~weight.CompactLatticeWeight`
CompactLatticeWeight(weight, string):
Creates a new `~weight.CompactLatticeWeight` instance initalized with
the (weight, string) pair.
weight(Tuple[float, float] or LatticeWeight): The weight value.
string(List[int]): The string value given as a list of integers.
def __new__(cls, *args):
if len(args) == 0:
return _lattice_weight.CompactLatticeWeight()
if len(args) == 1:
if isinstance(args[0], tuple) and len(args[0]) == 2:
args = args[0]
return _lattice_weight.CompactLatticeWeight.from_other(args[0])
if len(args) == 2:
w, s = args
if not isinstance(w, _lattice_weight.LatticeWeight):
w = LatticeWeight(w)
return _lattice_weight.CompactLatticeWeight.from_pair(w, s)
raise TypeError("CompactLatticeWeight accepts 0 to 2 "
"positional arguments; {} given".format(len(args)))
[docs]class CompactLatticeArc(_api._ArcBase, _arc.CompactLatticeArc):
"""FST Arc with compact lattice weight."""
[docs]class CompactLatticeEncodeMapper(_api._EncodeMapper,
"""Arc encoder for an FST over the compact lattice semiring."""
[docs]class CompactLatticeFstCompiler(_api._FstCompiler):
"""Compiler for FSTs over the compact lattice semiring."""
_compiler_type = _compiler.CompactLatticeFstCompiler
class _CompactLatticeFstDrawer(_api._FstDrawer, _drawer.CompactLatticeFstDrawer):
"""Drawer for FSTs over the compact lattice semiring."""
class _CompactLatticeFstPrinter(_api._FstPrinter, _printer.CompactLatticeFstPrinter):
"""Printer for FSTs over the compact lattice semiring."""
[docs]class CompactLatticeVectorFstStateIterator(
"""State iterator for a vector FST over the compact lattice semiring.
This class is used for iterating over the states. In addition to the full
C++ API, it also supports the iterator protocol. Most users should just call
the `states` method of an FST object instead of directly constructing this
iterator and take advantage of the Pythonic API.
[docs]class CompactLatticeVectorFstArcIterator(
"""Arc iterator for a vector FST over the compact lattice semiring.
This class is used for iterating over the arcs leaving some state. In
addition to the full C++ API, it also supports the iterator protocol.
Most users should just call the `arcs` method of an FST object instead of
directly constructing this iterator and take advantage of the Pythonic API.
[docs]class CompactLatticeVectorFstMutableArcIterator(
"""Mutable arc iterator for a vector FST over the compact lattice semiring.
This class is used for iterating over the arcs leaving some state and
optionally replacing them with new ones. In addition to the full C++ API,
it also supports the iterator protocol. Calling the `__iter__` method of a
mutable arc iterator object returns an iterator over `(arc, setter)` pairs.
The `setter` is a bound method of the mutable arc iterator object that can
be used to replace the current arc with a new one. Most users should just
call the `mutable_arcs` method of a vector FST object instead of directly
constructing this iterator and take advantage of the Pythonic API, e.g. ::
for arc, setter in lattice.mutable_arcs(0):
setter(LatticeArc(arc.ilabel, 0, arc.weight, arc.nextstate))
[docs]class CompactLatticeVectorFst(_api._MutableFstBase,
"""Vector FST over the compact lattice semiring."""
_ops = _clat_ops
_drawer_type = _CompactLatticeFstDrawer
_printer_type = _CompactLatticeFstPrinter
_weight_factory = CompactLatticeWeight
_state_iterator_type = CompactLatticeVectorFstStateIterator
_arc_iterator_type = CompactLatticeVectorFstArcIterator
_mutable_arc_iterator_type = CompactLatticeVectorFstMutableArcIterator
def __init__(self, fst=None):
fst (CompactLatticeFst): The input FST over the compact lattice
semiring. If provided, its contents are used for initializing
the new FST. Defaults to ``None``.
super(CompactLatticeVectorFst, self).__init__()
if fst is not None:
if isinstance(fst, _vector_fst.CompactLatticeVectorFst):
# This assignment shares implementation with COW semantics.
_fstext_shims._assign_compact_lattice_vector_fst(fst, self)
elif isinstance(fst, _fst.CompactLatticeFst):
# This assignment makes a copy.
raise TypeError("fst should be an FST over the compact lattice "
CompactLatticeVectorFst._mutable_fst_type = CompactLatticeVectorFst
[docs]class CompactLatticeConstFstStateIterator(
"""State iterator for a constant FST over the compact lattice semiring.
This class is used for iterating over the states. In addition to the full
C++ API, it also supports the iterator protocol. Most users should just call
the `states` method of an FST object instead of directly constructing this
iterator and take advantage of the Pythonic API.
[docs]class CompactLatticeConstFstArcIterator(
"""Arc iterator for a constant FST over the compact lattice semiring.
This class is used for iterating over the arcs leaving some state. In
addition to the full C++ API, it also supports the iterator protocol.
Most users should just call the `arcs` method of an FST object instead of
directly constructing this iterator and take advantage of the Pythonic API.
[docs]class CompactLatticeConstFst(_api._FstBase, _const_fst.CompactLatticeConstFst):
"""Constant FST over the compact lattice semiring."""
_ops = _clat_ops
_drawer_type = _CompactLatticeFstDrawer
_printer_type = _CompactLatticeFstPrinter
_weight_factory = CompactLatticeWeight
_state_iterator_type = CompactLatticeConstFstStateIterator
_arc_iterator_type = CompactLatticeConstFstArcIterator
def __init__(self, fst=None):
fst (CompactLatticeFst): The input FST over the compact lattice
semiring. If provided, its contents are used for initializing
the new FST. Defaults to ``None``.
super(CompactLatticeConstFst, self).__init__()
if fst is not None:
if isinstance(fst, _const_fst.CompactLatticeConstFst):
# This assignment shares implementation with COW semantics.
_fstext_shims._assign_compact_lattice_const_fst(fst, self)
elif isinstance(fst, _fst.CompactLatticeFst):
# This assignment makes a copy.
raise TypeError("fst should be an FST over the compact lattice "
CompactLatticeConstFst._mutable_fst_type = CompactLatticeVectorFst
# KWS index semiring
[docs]class KwsTimeWeight(_lexicographic_weight.KwsTimeWeight):
"""KWS time weight factory.
This class is used for creating new `~weight.KwsTimeWeight` instances.
Creates an uninitialized `~weight.KwsTimeWeight` instance.
Creates a new `~weight.KwsTimeWeight` instance initalized with the
weight(Tuple[float, float] or KwsTimeWeight): A pair of weight values
or another `~weight.KwsTimeWeight` instance.
KwsTimeWeight(weight1, weight2):
Creates a new `~weight.KwsTimeWeight` instance initalized with the
weight1(float): The first weight value.
weight2(float): The second weight value.
def __new__(cls, *args):
if len(args) == 0:
return _lexicographic_weight.KwsTimeWeight()
if len(args) == 1:
if isinstance(args[0], tuple) and len(args[0]) == 2:
args = args[0]
args = (args[0].value1, args[0].value2)
args = (TropicalWeight(args[0]), TropicalWeight(args[1]))
return _lexicographic_weight.KwsTimeWeight.from_components(*args)
[docs]class KwsIndexWeight(_lexicographic_weight.KwsIndexWeight):
"""KWS index weight factory.
This class is used for creating new `~weight.KwsIndexWeight`
Creates an uninitialized `~weight.KwsIndexWeight` instance.
Creates a new `~weight.KwsIndexWeight` instance initalized with
the weight.
weight(Tuple[float, Tuple[float, float]] or Tuple[TropicalWeight, KwsTimeWeight] or KwsIndexWeight):
A pair of weight values or another `~weight.KwsIndexWeight`
KwsIndexWeight(weight1, weight2):
Creates a new `~weight.KwsIndexWeight` instance initalized with
weight1(float or TropicalWeight): The first weight value.
weight2(Tuple[float, float] or KwsTimeWeight): The second weight value.
def __new__(cls, *args):
if len(args) == 0:
return _lexicographic_weight.KwsIndexWeight()
if len(args) == 1:
if isinstance(args[0], tuple) and len(args[0]) == 2:
args = (TropicalWeight(args[0][0]), KwsTimeWeight(args[0][1]))
args = (args[0].value1, args[0].value2)
return _lexicographic_weight.KwsIndexWeight.from_components(*args)
if len(args) == 2:
args = (TropicalWeight(args[0]), KwsTimeWeight(args[1]))
return _lexicographic_weight.KwsIndexWeight.from_components(*args)
raise TypeError("KwsIndexWeight accepts 0 to 2 "
"positional arguments; {} given".format(len(args)))
[docs]class KwsIndexArc(_api._ArcBase, _arc.KwsIndexArc):
"""FST Arc with KWS index weight."""
[docs]class KwsIndexEncodeMapper(_api._EncodeMapper, _encode.KwsIndexEncodeMapper):
"""Arc encoder for an FST over the KWS index semiring."""
[docs]class KwsIndexFstCompiler(_api._FstCompiler):
"""Compiler for FSTs over the KWS index semiring."""
_compiler_type = _compiler.KwsIndexFstCompiler
class _KwsIndexFstDrawer(_api._FstDrawer, _drawer.KwsIndexFstDrawer):
"""Drawer for FSTs over the KWS index semiring."""
class _KwsIndexFstPrinter(_api._FstPrinter, _printer.KwsIndexFstPrinter):
"""Printer for FSTs over the KWS index semiring."""
[docs]class KwsIndexVectorFstStateIterator(
"""State iterator for a vector FST over the KWS index semiring.
This class is used for iterating over the states. In addition to the full
C++ API, it also supports the iterator protocol. Most users should just call
the `states` method of an FST object instead of directly constructing this
iterator and take advantage of the Pythonic API.
[docs]class KwsIndexVectorFstArcIterator(_api._ArcIteratorBase,
"""Arc iterator for a vector FST over the KWS index semiring.
This class is used for iterating over the arcs leaving some state. In
addition to the full C++ API, it also supports the iterator protocol.
Most users should just call the `arcs` method of an FST object instead of
directly constructing this iterator and take advantage of the Pythonic API.
[docs]class KwsIndexVectorFstMutableArcIterator(
"""Mutable arc iterator for a vector FST over the KWS index semiring.
This class is used for iterating over the arcs leaving some state and
optionally replacing them with new ones. In addition to the full C++ API,
it also supports the iterator protocol. Calling the `__iter__` method of a
mutable arc iterator object returns an iterator over `(arc, setter)` pairs.
The `setter` is a bound method of the mutable arc iterator object that can
be used to replace the current arc with a new one. Most users should just
call the `mutable_arcs` method of a vector FST object instead of directly
constructing this iterator and take advantage of the Pythonic API, e.g. ::
for arc, setter in fst.mutable_arcs(0):
setter(KwsIndexArc(arc.ilabel, 0, arc.weight, arc.nextstate))
[docs]class KwsIndexVectorFst(_api._MutableFstBase, _vector_fst.KwsIndexVectorFst):
"""Vector FST over the KWS index semiring."""
_ops = _index_ops
_drawer_type = _KwsIndexFstDrawer
_printer_type = _KwsIndexFstPrinter
_weight_factory = KwsIndexWeight
_state_iterator_type = KwsIndexVectorFstStateIterator
_arc_iterator_type = KwsIndexVectorFstArcIterator
_mutable_arc_iterator_type = KwsIndexVectorFstMutableArcIterator
def __init__(self, fst=None):
fst (KwsIndexFst): The input FST over the KWS index semiring.
If provided, its contents are used for initializing the new FST.
Defaults to ``None``.
super(KwsIndexVectorFst, self).__init__()
if fst is not None:
if isinstance(fst, _vector_fst.KwsIndexVectorFst):
# This assignment shares implementation with COW semantics.
_fstext_shims._assign_kws_index_vector_fst(fst, self)
elif isinstance(fst, _fst.KwsIndexFst):
# This assignment makes a copy.
_fstext_shims._assign_kws_index_fst_to_vector_fst(fst, self)
raise TypeError("fst should be an FST over the KWS index "
KwsIndexVectorFst._mutable_fst_type = KwsIndexVectorFst
[docs]class KwsIndexConstFstStateIterator(_api._StateIteratorBase,
"""State iterator for a constant FST over the KWS index semiring.
This class is used for iterating over the states. In addition to the full
C++ API, it also supports the iterator protocol. Most users should just call
the `states` method of an FST object instead of directly constructing this
iterator and take advantage of the Pythonic API.
[docs]class KwsIndexConstFstArcIterator(_api._ArcIteratorBase,
"""Arc iterator for a constant FST over the KWS index semiring.
This class is used for iterating over the arcs leaving some state. In
addition to the full C++ API, it also supports the iterator protocol.
Most users should just call the `arcs` method of an FST object instead of
directly constructing this iterator and take advantage of the Pythonic API.
[docs]class KwsIndexConstFst(_api._FstBase, _const_fst.KwsIndexConstFst):
"""Constant FST over the KWS index semiring."""
_ops = _index_ops
_drawer_type = _KwsIndexFstDrawer
_printer_type = _KwsIndexFstPrinter
_weight_factory = KwsIndexWeight
_state_iterator_type = KwsIndexConstFstStateIterator
_arc_iterator_type = KwsIndexConstFstArcIterator
def __init__(self, fst=None):
fst (KwsIndexFst): The input FST over the KWS index semiring.
If provided, its contents are used for initializing the new FST.
Defaults to ``None``.
super(KwsIndexConstFst, self).__init__()
if fst is not None:
if isinstance(fst, _const_fst.KwsIndexConstFst):
# This assignment shares implementation with COW semantics.
_fstext_shims._assign_kws_index_const_fst(fst, self)
elif isinstance(fst, _fst.KwsIndexFst):
# This assignment makes a copy.
_fstext_shims._assign_kws_index_fst_to_const_fst(fst, self)
raise TypeError("fst should be an FST over the KWS index "
KwsIndexConstFst._mutable_fst_type = KwsIndexVectorFst
# Kaldi I/O
[docs]def read_fst_kaldi(rxfilename):
"""Reads FST using Kaldi I/O mechanisms.
Does not support reading in text mode.
rxfilename (str): Extended filename for reading the FST.
An FST object.
IOError: If reading fails.
TypeError: If FST type or arc type is not supported.
with _io.xopen(rxfilename) as ki:
rxfilename = _io.printable_rxfilename(rxfilename)
if not ki.stream().good():
raise IOError("Could not open {} for reading.".format(rxfilename))
hdr = FstHeader()
if not hdr.read(ki.stream(), rxfilename):
raise IOError("Error reading FST header.")
fst_type = hdr.fst_type()
if fst_type not in ["vector", "const"]:
raise TypeError("Unsupported FST type: {}.".format(fst_type))
arc_type = hdr.arc_type()
if arc_type == StdArc.type():
if fst_type == "vector":
fst_class = StdVectorFst
elif fst_type == "const":
fst_class = StdConstFst
elif arc_type == LogArc.type():
if fst_type == "vector":
fst_class = LogVectorFst
elif fst_type == "const":
fst_class = LogConstFst
elif arc_type == LatticeArc.type():
if fst_type == "vector":
fst_class = LatticeVectorFst
elif fst_type == "const":
fst_class = LatticeConstFst
elif arc_type == CompactLatticeArc.type():
if fst_type == "vector":
fst_class = CompactLatticeVectorFst
elif fst_type == "const":
fst_class = CompactLatticeConstFst
elif arc_type == KwsIndexArc.type():
if fst_type == "vector":
fst_class = KwsIndexVectorFst
elif fst_type == "const":
fst_class = KwsIndexConstFst
raise TypeError("Unsupported FST arc type: {}.".format(arc_type))
ropts = FstReadOptions(rxfilename, hdr)
fst = fst_class.read_from_stream(ki.stream(), ropts)
if not fst:
raise IOError("Error reading FST (after reading header).")
return fst
[docs]def write_fst_kaldi(fst, wxfilename):
"""Writes FST using Kaldi I/O mechanisms.
FST is written in binary mode without Kaldi binary mode header.
fst: The FST to write.
wxfilename (str): Extended filename for writing the FST.
IOError: If writing fails.
with _io.xopen(wxfilename, "wb", write_header=False) as ko:
wxfilename = _io.printable_wxfilename(wxfilename)
if not ko.stream().good():
raise IOError("Could not open {} for writing.".format(wxfilename))
wopts = FstWriteOptions(wxfilename)
if not fst.write_to_stream(ko.stream(), wopts):
raise IOError("Error writing FST.")
except RuntimeError as err:
raise IOError("{}".format(err))
__all__ = [name for name in dir()
if name[0] != '_'
and not name.endswith('Base')]