Source code for kaldi.util.table

For detailed documentation of Kaldi tables, table readers/writers, table
read/write specifiers, see `Kaldi I/O mechanisms`_ and
`Kaldi I/O from a command-line perspective`_.

.. _Kaldi I/O mechanisms:
.. _Kaldi I/O from a command-line perspective:

from . import _kaldi_table
from ._kaldi_table import (read_script_file, write_script_file,
                           classify_wspecifier, classify_rspecifier,
                           WspecifierType, RspecifierType,
                           WspecifierOptions, RspecifierOptions)
from . import _kaldi_table_ext
import kaldi.matrix as _matrix

# Sequential Readers

class _SequentialReaderBase(object):
    """Base class defining the Python API for sequential table readers."""
    def __init__(self, rspecifier=""):
        This class is used for reading objects sequentially from an archive or
        script file. It implements the iterator protocol similar to how Python
        implements iteration over dictionaries. Each iteration returns a `(key,
        value)` pair from the table in sequential order.

            rspecifier(str): Kaldi rspecifier for reading the table.
                If provided, the table is opened for reading.

            IOError: If opening the table for reading fails.
        super(_SequentialReaderBase, self).__init__()
        if rspecifier != "":
            if not
                raise IOError("Error opening sequential table reader with "
                              "rspecifier: {}".format(rspecifier))

    def __enter__(self):
        return self

    def __iter__(self):
        while not self.done():
            yield self.key(), self.value()

    def open(self, rspecifier):
        """Opens the table for reading.

            rspecifier(str): Kaldi rspecifier for reading the table.
                If provided, the table is opened for reading.

            True if table is opened successfully, False otherwise.

            IOError: If opening the table for reading fails.
        return super(_SequentialReaderBase, self).open(rspecifier)

    def done(self):
        """Indicates whether the table reader is exhausted or not.

        This method is provided for compatibility with the C++ API only;
        most users should use the Pythonic API.

          True if the table reader is exhausted, False otherwise.
        return super(_SequentialReaderBase, self).done()

    def key(self):
        """Returns the current key.

        This method is provided for compatibility with the C++ API only;
        most users should use the Pythonic API.

            str: The current key.
        return super(_SequentialReaderBase, self).key()

    def free_current(self):
        """Deallocates the current value.

        This method is provided as an optimization to save memory, for large
        super(_SequentialReaderBase, self).free_current()

    def value(self):
        """Returns the current value.

        This method is provided for compatibility with the C++ API only;
        most users should use the Pythonic API.

            The current value.
        return super(_SequentialReaderBase, self).value()

    def next(self):
        """Advances the table reader.

        This method is provided for compatibility with the C++ API only;
        most users should use the Pythonic API.
        super(_SequentialReaderBase, self).next()

    def is_open(self):
        """Indicates whether the table reader is open or not.

        This method is provided for compatibility with the C++ API only;
        most users should use the Pythonic API.

          True if the table reader is open, False otherwise.
        return super(_SequentialReaderBase, self).is_open()

    def close(self):
        """Closes the table.

        This method is provided for compatibility with the C++ API only;
        most users should use the Pythonic API.

            True if table is closed successfully, False otherwise.
        return super(_SequentialReaderBase, self).close()

[docs]class SequentialVectorReader(_SequentialReaderBase, _kaldi_table.SequentialVectorReader): """Sequential table reader for single precision vectors.""" pass
[docs]class SequentialDoubleVectorReader(_SequentialReaderBase, _kaldi_table.SequentialDoubleVectorReader): """Sequential table reader for double precision vectors.""" pass
[docs]class SequentialMatrixReader(_SequentialReaderBase, _kaldi_table.SequentialMatrixReader): """Sequential table reader for single precision matrices.""" pass
[docs]class SequentialDoubleMatrixReader(_SequentialReaderBase, _kaldi_table.SequentialDoubleMatrixReader): """Sequential table reader for double precision matrices.""" pass
[docs]class SequentialWaveReader(_SequentialReaderBase, _kaldi_table.SequentialWaveReader): """Sequential table reader for wave files.""" pass
[docs]class SequentialWaveInfoReader(_SequentialReaderBase, _kaldi_table.SequentialWaveInfoReader): """Sequential table reader for wave file headers.""" pass
[docs]class SequentialPosteriorReader(_SequentialReaderBase, _kaldi_table.SequentialPosteriorReader): """Sequential table reader for frame posteriors.""" pass
[docs]class SequentialGaussPostReader(_SequentialReaderBase, _kaldi_table.SequentialGaussPostReader): """Sequential table reader for Gaussian-level frame posteriors.""" pass
[docs]class SequentialFstReader(_SequentialReaderBase, _kaldi_table_ext.SequentialFstReader): """Sequential table reader for FSTs over the tropical semiring.""" pass
[docs]class SequentialLogFstReader(_SequentialReaderBase, _kaldi_table_ext.SequentialLogFstReader): """Sequential table reader for FSTs over the log semiring.""" pass
[docs]class SequentialKwsIndexFstReader(_SequentialReaderBase, _kaldi_table_ext.SequentialKwsIndexFstReader): """Sequential table reader for FSTs over the KWS index semiring.""" pass
[docs]class SequentialLatticeReader(_SequentialReaderBase, _kaldi_table.SequentialLatticeReader): """Sequential table reader for lattices.""" pass
[docs]class SequentialCompactLatticeReader( _SequentialReaderBase, _kaldi_table.SequentialCompactLatticeReader): """Sequential table reader for compact lattices.""" pass
[docs]class SequentialNnetExampleReader(_SequentialReaderBase, _kaldi_table.SequentialNnetExampleReader): """Sequential table reader for nnet examples.""" pass
[docs]class SequentialNnetChainExampleReader( _SequentialReaderBase, _kaldi_table.SequentialNnetChainExampleReader): """Sequential table reader for nnet chain examples.""" pass
[docs]class SequentialRnnlmExampleReader(_SequentialReaderBase, _kaldi_table.SequentialRnnlmExampleReader): """Sequential table reader for RNNLM examples.""" pass
[docs]class SequentialIntReader(_SequentialReaderBase, _kaldi_table.SequentialIntReader): """Sequential table reader for integers.""" pass
[docs]class SequentialFloatReader(_SequentialReaderBase, _kaldi_table.SequentialFloatReader): """Sequential table reader for single precision floats.""" pass
[docs]class SequentialDoubleReader(_SequentialReaderBase, _kaldi_table.SequentialDoubleReader): """Sequential table reader for double precision floats.""" pass
[docs]class SequentialBoolReader(_SequentialReaderBase, _kaldi_table.SequentialBoolReader): """Sequential table reader for Booleans.""" pass
[docs]class SequentialIntVectorReader(_SequentialReaderBase, _kaldi_table.SequentialIntVectorReader): """Sequential table reader for integer sequences.""" pass
[docs]class SequentialIntVectorVectorReader( _SequentialReaderBase, _kaldi_table.SequentialIntVectorVectorReader): """Sequential table reader for sequences of integer sequences.""" pass
[docs]class SequentialIntPairVectorReader( _SequentialReaderBase, _kaldi_table.SequentialIntPairVectorReader): """Sequential table reader for sequences of integer pairs.""" pass
[docs]class SequentialFloatPairVectorReader( _SequentialReaderBase, _kaldi_table.SequentialFloatPairVectorReader): """Sequential table reader for sequences of single precision float pairs.""" pass
################################################################################ # Random Access Readers ################################################################################ class _RandomAccessReaderBase(object): """Base class defining the Python API for random access table readers.""" def __init__(self, rspecifier=""): """ This class is used for randomly accessing objects in an archive or script file. It implements `__contains__` and `__getitem__` methods to provide a dictionary-like interface for accessing table entries. e.g. `reader[key]` returns the `value` associated with the `key`. Args: rspecifier(str): Kaldi rspecifier for reading the table. If provided, the table is opened for reading. Raises: IOError: If opening the table for reading fails. """ super(_RandomAccessReaderBase, self).__init__() if rspecifier != "": if not raise IOError("Error opening random access table reader with " "rspecifier: {}".format(rspecifier)) def __enter__(self): return self def __contains__(self, key): return self.has_key(key) def __getitem__(self, key): if self.has_key(key): return self.value(key) else: raise KeyError(key) def open(self, rspecifier): """Opens the table for reading. Args: rspecifier(str): Kaldi rspecifier for reading the table. If provided, the table is opened for reading. Returns: True if table is opened successfully, False otherwise. Raises: IOError: If opening the table for reading fails. """ return super(_RandomAccessReaderBase, self).open(rspecifier) def has_key(self, key): """Checks whether the table has the key. This method is provided for compatibility with the C++ API only; most users should use the Pythonic API. Args: key (str): The key. Returns: True if the table has the key, False otherwise. """ return super(_RandomAccessReaderBase, self).has_key(key) def value(self, key): """Returns the value associated with the key. This method is provided for compatibility with the C++ API only; most users should use the Pythonic API. Args: key (str): The key. Returns: The value associated with the key. """ return super(_RandomAccessReaderBase, self).value(key) def is_open(self): """Indicates whether the table reader is open or not. This method is provided for compatibility with the C++ API only; most users should use the Pythonic API. Returns: True if the table reader is open, False otherwise. """ return super(_RandomAccessReaderBase, self).is_open() def close(self): """Closes the table. This method is provided for compatibility with the C++ API only; most users should use the Pythonic API. Returns: True if table is closed successfully, False otherwise. """ return super(_RandomAccessReaderBase, self).close()
[docs]class RandomAccessVectorReader(_RandomAccessReaderBase, _kaldi_table.RandomAccessVectorReader): """Random access table reader for single precision vectors.""" pass
[docs]class RandomAccessDoubleVectorReader( _RandomAccessReaderBase, _kaldi_table.RandomAccessDoubleVectorReader): """Random access table reader for double precision vectors.""" pass
[docs]class RandomAccessMatrixReader(_RandomAccessReaderBase, _kaldi_table.RandomAccessMatrixReader): """Random access table reader for single precision matrices.""" pass
[docs]class RandomAccessDoubleMatrixReader( _RandomAccessReaderBase, _kaldi_table.RandomAccessDoubleMatrixReader): """Random access table reader for double precision matrices.""" pass
[docs]class RandomAccessWaveReader(_RandomAccessReaderBase, _kaldi_table.RandomAccessWaveReader): """Random access table reader for wave files.""" pass
[docs]class RandomAccessWaveInfoReader(_RandomAccessReaderBase, _kaldi_table.RandomAccessWaveInfoReader): """Random access table reader for wave file headers.""" pass
[docs]class RandomAccessPosteriorReader(_RandomAccessReaderBase, _kaldi_table.RandomAccessPosteriorReader): """Random access table reader for frame posteriors.""" pass
[docs]class RandomAccessGaussPostReader(_RandomAccessReaderBase, _kaldi_table.RandomAccessGaussPostReader): """Random access table reader for Gaussian-level frame posteriors.""" pass
[docs]class RandomAccessFstReader(_RandomAccessReaderBase, _kaldi_table_ext.RandomAccessFstReader): """Random access table reader for FSTs over the tropical semiring.""" pass
[docs]class RandomAccessLogFstReader(_RandomAccessReaderBase, _kaldi_table_ext.RandomAccessLogFstReader): """Random access table reader for FSTs over the log semiring.""" pass
[docs]class RandomAccessKwsIndexFstReader(_RandomAccessReaderBase, _kaldi_table_ext.RandomAccessKwsIndexFstReader): """Random access table reader for FSTs over the KWS index semiring.""" pass
[docs]class RandomAccessLatticeReader(_RandomAccessReaderBase, _kaldi_table.RandomAccessLatticeReader): """Random access table reader for lattices.""" pass
[docs]class RandomAccessCompactLatticeReader( _RandomAccessReaderBase, _kaldi_table.RandomAccessCompactLatticeReader): """Random access table reader for compact lattices.""" pass
[docs]class RandomAccessNnetExampleReader(_RandomAccessReaderBase, _kaldi_table.RandomAccessNnetExampleReader): """Random access table reader for nnet examples.""" pass
[docs]class RandomAccessNnetChainExampleReader( _RandomAccessReaderBase, _kaldi_table.RandomAccessNnetChainExampleReader): """Random access table reader for nnet chain examples.""" pass
[docs]class RandomAccessIntReader(_RandomAccessReaderBase, _kaldi_table.RandomAccessIntReader): """Random access table reader for integers.""" pass
[docs]class RandomAccessFloatReader(_RandomAccessReaderBase, _kaldi_table.RandomAccessFloatReader): """Random access table reader for single precision floats.""" pass
[docs]class RandomAccessDoubleReader(_RandomAccessReaderBase, _kaldi_table.RandomAccessDoubleReader): """Random access table reader for double precision floats.""" pass
[docs]class RandomAccessBoolReader(_RandomAccessReaderBase, _kaldi_table.RandomAccessBoolReader): """Random access table reader for Booleans.""" pass
[docs]class RandomAccessIntVectorReader(_RandomAccessReaderBase, _kaldi_table.RandomAccessIntVectorReader): """Random access table reader for integer sequences.""" pass
[docs]class RandomAccessIntVectorVectorReader( _RandomAccessReaderBase, _kaldi_table.RandomAccessIntVectorVectorReader): """Random access table reader for sequences of integer sequences.""" pass
[docs]class RandomAccessIntPairVectorReader( _RandomAccessReaderBase, _kaldi_table.RandomAccessIntPairVectorReader): """Random access table reader for sequences of integer pairs.""" pass
[docs]class RandomAccessFloatPairVectorReader( _RandomAccessReaderBase, _kaldi_table.RandomAccessFloatPairVectorReader): """ Random access table reader for sequences of single precision float pairs. """ pass
################################################################################ # Mapped Random Access Readers ################################################################################ class _RandomAccessReaderMappedBase(object): """ Base class defining the Python API for mapped random access table readers. """ def __init__(self, table_rspecifier="", map_rspecifier=""): """ This class is used for randomly accessing objects in an archive or script file. It implements `__contains__` and `__getitem__` methods to provide a dictionary-like interface for accessing table entries. If a **map_rspecifier** is provided, the map is used for converting the keys to the actual keys used to query the table, e.g. `reader[key]` returns the `value` associated with the key `map[key]`. Otherwise, it works like a random access table reader. Args: table_rspecifier(str): Kaldi rspecifier for reading the table. If provided, the table is opened for reading. map_rspecifier (str): Kaldi rspecifier for reading the map. If provided, the map is opened for reading. Raises: IOError: If opening the table or map for reading fails. """ super(_RandomAccessReaderMappedBase, self).__init__() if table_rspecifier != "" and map_rspecifier != "": if not self.Open(table_rspecifier, map_rspecifier): raise IOError("Error opening mapped random access table reader " "with table_rspecifier: {}, map_rspecifier: {}" .format(table_rspecifier, map_rspecifier)) def __enter__(self): return self def __contains__(self, key): return self.has_key(key) def __getitem__(self, key): if self.has_key(key): return self.value(key) else: raise KeyError(key) def open(self, table_rspecifier, map_rspecifier): """Opens the table for reading. Args: table_rspecifier(str): Kaldi rspecifier for reading the table. If provided, the table is opened for reading. map_rspecifier (str): Kaldi rspecifier for reading the map. If provided, the map is opened for reading. Returns: True if table is opened successfully, False otherwise. Raises: IOError: If opening the table or map for reading fails. """ return super(_RandomAccessReaderMappedBase, self).open(table_rspecifier, map_rspecifier) def has_key(self, key): """Checks whether the table has the key. This method is provided for compatibility with the C++ API only; most users should use the Pythonic API. Args: key (str): The key. Returns: True if the table has the key, False otherwise. """ return super(_RandomAccessReaderMappedBase, self).has_key(key) def value(self, key): """Returns the value associated with the key. This method is provided for compatibility with the C++ API only; most users should use the Pythonic API. Args: key (str): The key. Returns: The value associated with the key. """ return super(_RandomAccessReaderMappedBase, self).value(key) def is_open(self): """Indicates whether the table reader is open or not. This method is provided for compatibility with the C++ API only; most users should use the Pythonic API. Returns: True if the table reader is open, False otherwise. """ return super(_RandomAccessReaderMappedBase, self).is_open() def close(self): """Closes the table. This method is provided for compatibility with the C++ API only; most users should use the Pythonic API. Returns: True if table is closed successfully, False otherwise. """ return super(_RandomAccessReaderMappedBase, self).close()
[docs]class RandomAccessVectorReaderMapped( _RandomAccessReaderMappedBase, _kaldi_table.RandomAccessVectorReaderMapped): """Mapped random access table reader for single precision vectors.""" pass
[docs]class RandomAccessDoubleVectorReaderMapped( _RandomAccessReaderMappedBase, _kaldi_table.RandomAccessDoubleVectorReaderMapped): """Mapped random access table reader for double precision vectors.""" pass
[docs]class RandomAccessMatrixReaderMapped( _RandomAccessReaderMappedBase, _kaldi_table.RandomAccessMatrixReaderMapped): """Mapped random access table reader for single precision matrices.""" pass
[docs]class RandomAccessDoubleMatrixReaderMapped( _RandomAccessReaderMappedBase, _kaldi_table.RandomAccessDoubleMatrixReaderMapped): """Mapped random access table reader for double precision matrices.""" pass
[docs]class RandomAccessFloatReaderMapped( _RandomAccessReaderMappedBase, _kaldi_table.RandomAccessFloatReaderMapped): """Mapped random access table reader for single precision floats.""" pass
################################################################################ # Writers ################################################################################ class _WriterBase(object): """Base class defining the additional Python API for table writers.""" def __init__(self, wspecifier=""): """ This class is used for writing objects to an archive or script file. It implements the `__setitem__` method to provide a dictionary-like interface for writing table entries, e.g. `writer[key] = value` writes the pair `(key, value)` to the table. Args: wspecifier (str): Kaldi wspecifier for writing the table. If provided, the table is opened for writing. Raises: IOError: If opening the table for writing fails. """ super(_WriterBase, self).__init__() if wspecifier != "": if not raise IOError("Error opening table writer with wspecifier: {}" .format(wspecifier)) def __enter__(self): return self def __setitem__(self, key, value): self.write(key, value) def open(self, wspecifier): """Opens the table for writing. Args: wspecifier(str): Kaldi wspecifier for writing the table. If provided, the table is opened for writing. Returns: True if table is opened successfully, False otherwise. Raises: IOError: If opening the table for writing fails. """ return super(_WriterBase, self).open(wspecifier) def flush(self): """Flushes the table contents to disk/pipe.""" super(_WriterBase, self).flush() def write(self, key, value): """Writes the `(key, value)` pair to the table. This method is provided for compatibility with the C++ API only; most users should use the Pythonic API. Args: key (str): The key. value: The value. """ super(_WriterBase, self).write(key, value) def is_open(self): """Indicates whether the table writer is open or not. This method is provided for compatibility with the C++ API only; most users should use the Pythonic API. Returns: True if the table writer is open, False otherwise. """ return super(_WriterBase, self).is_open() def close(self): """Closes the table. This method is provided for compatibility with the C++ API only; most users should use the Pythonic API. Returns: True if table is closed successfully, False otherwise. """ return super(_WriterBase, self).close()
[docs]class VectorWriter(_WriterBase, _kaldi_table.VectorWriter): """Table writer for single precision vectors."""
[docs] def write(self, key, value): """Writes the `(key, value)` pair to the table. This method is provided for compatibility with the C++ API only; most users should use the Pythonic API. Overrides write to accept both Vector and SubVector. Args: key (str): The key. value: The value. """ super(VectorWriter, self).write(key, _matrix.Vector(value))
[docs]class DoubleVectorWriter(_WriterBase, _kaldi_table.DoubleVectorWriter): """Table writer for double precision vectors."""
[docs] def write(self, key, value): """Writes the `(key, value)` pair to the table. This method is provided for compatibility with the C++ API only; most users should use the Pythonic API. Overrides write to accept both DoubleVector and DoubleSubVector. Args: key (str): The key. value: The value. """ super(DoubleVectorWriter, self).write(key, _matrix.DoubleVector(value))
[docs]class MatrixWriter(_WriterBase, _kaldi_table.MatrixWriter): """Table writer for single precision matrices."""
[docs] def write(self, key, value): """Writes the `(key, value)` pair to the table. This method is provided for compatibility with the C++ API only; most users should use the Pythonic API. Overrides write to accept both Matrix and SubMatrix. Args: key (str): The key. value: The value. """ super(MatrixWriter, self).write(key, _matrix.Matrix(value))
[docs]class DoubleMatrixWriter(_WriterBase, _kaldi_table.DoubleMatrixWriter): """Table writer for double precision matrices."""
[docs] def write(self, key, value): """Writes the `(key, value)` pair to the table. This method is provided for compatibility with the C++ API only; most users should use the Pythonic API. Overrides write to accept both DoubleMatrix and DoubleSubMatrix. Args: key (str): The key. value: The value. """ super(DoubleMatrixWriter, self).write(key, _matrix.DoubleMatrix(value))
[docs]class WaveWriter(_WriterBase, _kaldi_table.WaveWriter): """Table writer for wave files.""" pass
[docs]class PosteriorWriter(_WriterBase, _kaldi_table.PosteriorWriter): """Table writer for frame posteriors.""" pass
[docs]class GaussPostWriter(_WriterBase, _kaldi_table.GaussPostWriter): """Table writer for Gaussian-level frame posteriors.""" pass
[docs]class FstWriter(_WriterBase, _kaldi_table_ext.FstWriter): """Table writer for FSTs over the tropical semiring.""" pass
[docs]class LogFstWriter(_WriterBase, _kaldi_table_ext.LogFstWriter): """Table writer for FSTs over the log semiring.""" pass
[docs]class KwsIndexFstWriter(_WriterBase, _kaldi_table_ext.KwsIndexFstWriter): """Table writer for FSTs over the KWS index semiring.""" pass
[docs]class LatticeWriter(_WriterBase, _kaldi_table.LatticeWriter): """Table writer for lattices.""" pass
[docs]class CompactLatticeWriter(_WriterBase, _kaldi_table.CompactLatticeWriter): """Table writer for compact lattices.""" pass
[docs]class NnetExampleWriter(_WriterBase, _kaldi_table.NnetExampleWriter): """Table writer for nnet examples.""" pass
[docs]class NnetChainExampleWriter(_WriterBase, _kaldi_table.NnetChainExampleWriter): """Table writer for nnet chain examples.""" pass
[docs]class RnnlmExampleWriter(_WriterBase, _kaldi_table.RnnlmExampleWriter): """Table writer for RNNLM examples.""" pass
[docs]class IntWriter(_WriterBase, _kaldi_table.IntWriter): """Table writer for integers.""" pass
[docs]class FloatWriter(_WriterBase, _kaldi_table.FloatWriter): """Table writer for single precision floats.""" pass
[docs]class DoubleWriter(_WriterBase, _kaldi_table.DoubleWriter): """Table writer for double precision floats.""" pass
[docs]class BoolWriter(_WriterBase, _kaldi_table.BoolWriter): """Table writer for Booleans.""" pass
[docs]class IntVectorWriter(_WriterBase, _kaldi_table.IntVectorWriter): """Table writer for integer sequences.""" pass
[docs]class IntVectorVectorWriter(_WriterBase, _kaldi_table.IntVectorVectorWriter): """Table writer for sequences of integer sequences.""" pass
[docs]class IntPairVectorWriter(_WriterBase, _kaldi_table.IntPairVectorWriter): """Table writer for sequences of integer pairs.""" pass
[docs]class FloatPairVectorWriter(_WriterBase, _kaldi_table.FloatPairVectorWriter): """Table writer for sequences of single precision float pairs.""" pass
################################################################################ __all__ = [name for name in dir() if name[0] != '_' and not name.endswith('Base')]