Source code for kaldi.matrix._str

# Adapted from pytorch tensor printing

import math
import numpy
from functools import reduce

class __PrinterOptions(object):
    precision = 4
    threshold = 1000
    edgeitems = 3
    linewidth = 80

PRINT_OPTS = __PrinterOptions()
SCALE_FORMAT = '{:.5e} *\n'

# We could use **kwargs, but this will give better docs
[docs]def set_printoptions( precision=None, threshold=None, edgeitems=None, linewidth=None, profile=None, ): """Set options for printing. Items shamelessly taken from Numpy Args: precision: Number of digits of precision for floating point output (default 8). threshold: Total number of array elements which trigger summarization rather than full repr (default 1000). edgeitems: Number of array items in summary at beginning and end of each dimension (default 3). linewidth: The number of characters per line for the purpose of inserting line breaks (default 80). Thresholded matricies will ignore this parameter. profile: Sane defaults for pretty printing. Can override with any of the above options. (default, short, full) """ if profile is not None: if profile == "default": PRINT_OPTS.precision = 4 PRINT_OPTS.threshold = 1000 PRINT_OPTS.edgeitems = 3 PRINT_OPTS.linewidth = 80 elif profile == "short": PRINT_OPTS.precision = 2 PRINT_OPTS.threshold = 1000 PRINT_OPTS.edgeitems = 2 PRINT_OPTS.linewidth = 80 elif profile == "full": PRINT_OPTS.precision = 4 PRINT_OPTS.threshold = float('inf') PRINT_OPTS.edgeitems = 3 PRINT_OPTS.linewidth = 80 if precision is not None: PRINT_OPTS.precision = precision if threshold is not None: PRINT_OPTS.threshold = threshold if edgeitems is not None: PRINT_OPTS.edgeitems = edgeitems if linewidth is not None: PRINT_OPTS.linewidth = linewidth
def _range(*args, **kwargs): return __builtins__['range'](*args, **kwargs) def _number_format(self, min_sz=-1): min_sz = max(min_sz, 2) temp = numpy.abs(self.reshape(self.size), dtype=float) invalid_value_mask = ~numpy.isfinite(temp) if invalid_value_mask.all(): example_value = 0 else: example_value = temp[invalid_value_mask == 0][0] temp[invalid_value_mask] = example_value if invalid_value_mask.any(): min_sz = max(min_sz, 3) int_mode = True # TODO: use fmod? for value in temp: if value != math.ceil(value): int_mode = False break exp_min = temp.min() if exp_min != 0: exp_min = math.floor(math.log10(exp_min)) + 1 else: exp_min = 1 exp_max = temp.max() if exp_max != 0: exp_max = math.floor(math.log10(exp_max)) + 1 else: exp_max = 1 scale = 1 exp_max = int(exp_max) prec = PRINT_OPTS.precision if int_mode: if exp_max > prec + 1: format = '{{:11.{}e}}'.format(prec) sz = max(min_sz, 7 + prec) else: sz = max(min_sz, exp_max + 1) format = '{:' + str(sz) + '.0f}' else: if exp_max - exp_min > prec: sz = 7 + prec if abs(exp_max) > 99 or abs(exp_min) > 99: sz = sz + 1 sz = max(min_sz, sz) format = '{{:{}.{}e}}'.format(sz, prec) else: if exp_max > prec + 1 or exp_max < 0: sz = max(min_sz, 7) scale = math.pow(10, exp_max - 1) else: if exp_max == 0: sz = 7 else: sz = exp_max + 6 sz = max(min_sz, sz) format = '{{:{}.{}f}}'.format(sz, prec) return format, scale, sz def __repr_row(row, indent, fmt, scale, sz, truncate=None): if truncate is not None: dotfmt = " {:^5} " return (indent + ' '.join(fmt.format(val / scale) for val in row[:truncate]) + dotfmt.format('...') + ' '.join(fmt.format(val / scale) for val in row[-truncate:]) + '\n') else: return indent + ' '.join(fmt.format(val / scale) for val in row) + '\n' def _matrix_str(self, indent='', formatter=None, force_truncate=False): type_str = self.__module__ + '.' + self.__class__.__name__ self = self.numpy() if self.size == 0: return '[{} with no elements]\n'.format(type_str) n = PRINT_OPTS.edgeitems has_hdots = self.shape[1] > 2 * n has_vdots = self.shape[0] > 2 * n print_full_mat = not has_hdots and not has_vdots if formatter is None: fmt, scale, sz = _number_format(self, min_sz=5 if not print_full_mat else 0) else: fmt, scale, sz = formatter nColumnPerLine = int(math.floor((PRINT_OPTS.linewidth - len(indent)) / (sz + 1))) strt = '' firstColumn = 0 if not force_truncate and \ (self.size < PRINT_OPTS.threshold or print_full_mat): while firstColumn < self.shape[1]: lastColumn = min(firstColumn + nColumnPerLine - 1, self.shape[1] - 1) if nColumnPerLine < self.shape[1]: strt += '\n' if firstColumn != 1 else '' strt += 'Columns {} to {} \n{}'.format( firstColumn, lastColumn, indent) if scale != 1: strt += SCALE_FORMAT.format(scale) for l in _range(self.shape[0]): strt += indent + (' ' if scale != 1 else '') row_slice = self[l, firstColumn:lastColumn + 1] strt += ' '.join(fmt.format(val / scale) for val in row_slice) strt += '\n' firstColumn = lastColumn + 1 else: if scale != 1: strt += SCALE_FORMAT.format(scale) if has_vdots and has_hdots: vdotfmt = "{:^" + str((sz + 1) * n - 1) + "}" ddotfmt = u"{:^5}" for row in self[:n]: strt += __repr_row(row, indent, fmt, scale, sz, n) strt += indent + ' '.join([vdotfmt.format('...'), ddotfmt.format(u'\u22F1'), vdotfmt.format('...')]) + "\n" for row in self[-n:]: strt += __repr_row(row, indent, fmt, scale, sz, n) elif not has_vdots and has_hdots: for row in self: strt += __repr_row(row, indent, fmt, scale, sz, n) elif has_vdots and not has_hdots: vdotfmt = u"{:^" + \ str(len(__repr_row(self[0], '', fmt, scale, sz))) + \ "}\n" for row in self[:n]: strt += __repr_row(row, indent, fmt, scale, sz) strt += vdotfmt.format(u'\u22EE') for row in self[-n:]: strt += __repr_row(row, indent, fmt, scale, sz) else: for row in self: strt += __repr_row(row, indent, fmt, scale, sz) size_str = 'x'.join(str(size) for size in self.shape) strt += '[{} of size {}]\n'.format(type_str, size_str) return '\n' + strt def _vector_str(self): type_str = self.__module__ + '.' + self.__class__.__name__ self = self.numpy() if self.size == 0: return '[{} with no elements]\n'.format(type_str) fmt, scale, sz = _number_format(self) strt = '' ident = '' n = PRINT_OPTS.edgeitems dotfmt = u"{:^" + str(sz) + "}\n" if scale != 1: strt += SCALE_FORMAT.format(scale) ident = ' ' if self.size < PRINT_OPTS.threshold: strt = (strt + '\n'.join(ident + fmt.format(val / scale) for val in self) + '\n') else: strt = (strt + '\n'.join(ident + fmt.format(val / scale) for val in self[:n]) + '\n' + (ident + dotfmt.format(u"\u22EE")) + '\n'.join(ident + fmt.format(val / scale) for val in self[-n:]) + '\n') strt += '[{} of size {}]\n'.format(type_str, self.size) return '\n' + strt