Source code for

import logging

from . import _confidence
from . import _determinize_lattice_pruned as _dlp
from . import _lattice_functions as _lat_fun

from ._confidence import *
from ._compose_lattice_pruned import *
from ._determinize_lattice_pruned import *
from ._lattice_functions import *
from ._minimize_lattice import *
from ._push_lattice import *

from .. import fstext as _fst
from ..fstext import _api

[docs]def sentence_level_confidence(lat): """Computes sentence level confidence scores. If input is a compact lattice, this function requires that distinct paths in `lat` have distinct word sequences; this will automatically be the case if `lat` was generated by a decoder, since a deterministic FST has this property. If input is a state-level lattice, it is first determinized, but this is done in a "smart" way so that only paths needed for this operation are generated. This function assumes that any acoustic scaling you want to apply, has already been applied. The output consists of the following. `confidence` is the score difference between the best path and the second-best path in the lattice (a positive number), or zero if lattice was equivalent to the empty FST (no successful paths), or infinity if there was only one path in the lattice. `num_paths` is a number in `{0, 1, 2}` saying how many n-best paths (up to two) were found. If `num_paths >= 1`, `best_sentence` is the best word-sequence; if `num_paths -= 2`, `second_best_sentence` is the second best word-sequence (this may be useful for testing whether the two best word sequences are somehow equivalent for the task at hand). Args lat (LatticeVectorFst or CompactLatticeVectorFst): The input lattice. Returns: Tuple[float, int, List[int], List[int]]: The tuple `(confidence, num_paths, best_sentence, second_best_sentence)`. Note: This function is not the only way to get confidences in Kaldi. This only gives you sentence-level (utterance-level) confidence. You can get word-by-word confidence within a sentence, along with Minimum Bayes Risk decoding. Also confidences estimated using this function are not very accurate. """ if isinstance(lat, _fst.CompactLatticeVectorFst): return _confidence._sentence_level_confidence_from_compact_lattice(lat) else: return _confidence._sentence_level_confidence_from_lattice(lat)
[docs]def determinize_lattice_phone_pruned(ifst, trans_model, prune, opts=None, destructive=True): """Applies a specialized determinization operation to a lattice. Determinizes a raw state-level lattice, keeping only the best output-symbol sequence (typically transition ids) for each input-symbol sequence. This version does phone insertion when doing a first pass determinization (if `opts.phone_determinize == True`), it then removes the inserted phones and does a second pass determinization on the word lattice (if `opts.word_determinize == True`). It also does pruning as part of the determinization algorithm, which is more efficient and prevents blowup. Args: ifst (LatticeFst): The input lattice. trans_model (TransitionModel): The transition model. prune (float): The pruning beam. opts (DeterminizeLatticePhonePrunedOptions): The options for lattice determinization. destructive (bool): Whether to use the destructive version of the algorithm which mutates input lattice. Returns: CompactLatticeVectorFst: The output lattice. See Also: :meth:`determinize_lattice_pruned` Note: The point of doing first a phone-level determinization pass and then a word-level determinization pass is that it allows us to determinize deeper lattices without "failing early" and returning a too-small lattice due to the max-mem constraint. The result should be the same as word-level determinization in general, but for deeper lattices it is a bit faster, despite the fact that we now have two passes of determinization by default. """ if opts is None: opts = DeterminizeLatticePhonePrunedOptions() if not destructive or not isinstance(ifst, _api._MutableFstBase): ifst = _fst.LatticeVectorFst(ifst) ofst = _fst.CompactLatticeVectorFst() success = _dlp._determinize_lattice_phone_pruned_wrapper(trans_model, ifst, prune, ofst, opts) if not success: logging.warning( "Lattice determinization is terminated early because at least one " "of max_mem, max_loop or max_arcs thresholds was reached. If you " "want a more detailed log message, rerun this function after " "setting verbose level > 0 using kaldi.base.set_verbose_level.") return ofst
[docs]def determinize_lattice_pruned(ifst, prune, opts=None, compact_out=True): """Applies a specialized determinization operation to a lattice. Determinizes a raw state-level lattice, keeping only the best output-symbol sequence (typically transition ids) for each input-symbol sequence. This version does determinization only on the word lattice. The output is represented using either sequences of arcs (if `compact_out == False`), where all but the first one has an epsilon on the input side, or directly as strings using compact lattice weight type (if `compact_out == True`). It also does pruning as part of the determinization algorithm, which is more efficient and prevents blowup. Args: ifst (LatticeFst): The input lattice. prune (float): The pruning beam. opts (DeterminizeLatticePrunedOptions): The options for lattice determinization. compact_out (bool): Whether to output a compact lattice. Returns: LatticeVectorFst or CompactLatticeVectorFst: The output lattice. See Also: :meth:`determinize_lattice_phone_pruned` """ if opts is None: opts = DeterminizeLatticePrunedOptions() ifst = _fst.LatticeVectorFst(ifst).invert().topsort().arcsort() if compact_out: ofst = _fst.CompactLatticeVectorFst() success = _dlp._determinize_lattice_pruned_to_compact(ifst, prune, ofst, opts) else: ofst = _fst.LatticeVectorFst() success = _dlp._determinize_lattice_pruned(ifst, prune, ofst, opts) if not success: logging.warning( "Lattice determinization is terminated early because at least one " "of max_mem, max_loop or max_arcs thresholds was reached. If you " "want a more detailed log message, rerun this function after " "setting verbose level > 0 using kaldi.base.set_verbose_level.") return ofst
[docs]def lattice_state_times(lat): """Extracts lattice state times (in terms of frames). Iterates over the states of a topologically sorted lattice and computes the corresponding time instances. Args: lat (LatticeVectorFst or CompactLatticeVectorFst): The input lattice. Returns: Tuple[int, List[int]]: The number of frames and the state times. Note: If input is a regular lattice, the number of frames is equal to the maximum state time in the lattice. If input is a compact lattice, the number of frames might not be equal to the maximum state time in the lattice due to frames in final states. """ if isinstance(lat, _fst.LatticeVectorFst): return _lat_fun._lattice_state_times(lat) else: return _lat_fun._compact_lattice_state_times(lat)
[docs]def compute_lattice_alphas_and_betas(lat, viterbi): """Computes forward and backward scores for lattice states. If `viterbi == True`, computes the Viterbi scores, i.e. forward (alpha) and backward (beta) scores are the scores of best paths reaching and leaving each state. Otherwise, computes regular forward and backward scores. Note that alphas and betas are negated costs. Requires the input lattice to be topologically sorted. Args: lat (LatticeVectorFst or CompactLatticeVectorFst): The input lattice. viterbi (bool): Whether to compute Viterbi scores. Returns: Tuple[float, List[float], List[float]]: The total-prob (or best-path prob), the forward (alpha) scores and the backward (beta) scores. """ if isinstance(lat, _fst.LatticeVectorFst): return _lat_fun._compute_lattice_alphas_and_betas(lat, viterbi) else: return _lat_fun._compute_compact_lattice_alphas_and_betas(lat, viterbi)
[docs]def top_sort_lattice_if_needed(lat): """Topologically sorts the lattice if it is not already sorted. Args: lat (LatticeVectorFst or CompactLatticeVectorFst): The input lattice. Raises: RuntimeError: If lattice cannot be topologically sorted. """ if isinstance(lat, _fst.LatticeVectorFst): _lat_fun._top_sort_lattice_if_needed(lat) else: _lat_fun._top_sort_compact_lattice_if_needed(lat)
[docs]def prune_lattice(beam, lat): """Prunes a lattice. Args: beam (float): The pruning beam. lat (LatticeVectorFst or CompactLatticeVectorFst): The input lattice. Raises: ValueError: If pruning fails. """ if isinstance(lat, _fst.LatticeVectorFst): _lat_fun._prune_lattice(beam, lat) else: _lat_fun._prune_compact_lattice(beam, lat)
[docs]def rescore_lattice(decodable, lat): """Adjusts acoustic scores in the lattice. This function *adds* the negated scores obtained from the decodable object, to the acoustic scores on the arcs. If you want to replace them, you should use :meth:`scale_compact_lattice` to first set the acoustic scores to zero. The input labels (or the string component of arc weights if the input is a compact lattice), are interpreted as transition-ids or whatever other index the decodable object expects. Args: decodable (DecodableInterface): The decodable object. lat (LatticeVectorFst or CompactLatticeVectorFst): The input lattice. Raises: ValueError: If the inputs are not compatible. See Also: :meth:`rescore_compact_lattice_speedup` """ if isinstance(lat, _fst.LatticeVectorFst): _lat_fun._rescore_lattice(decodable, lat) else: _lat_fun._rescore_compact_lattice(decodable, lat)
[docs]def longest_sentence_length_in_lattice(lat): """Returns the number of words in the longest sentence in a lattice. Args: lat (LatticeVectorFst or CompactLatticeVectorFst): The input lattice. Returns: int: The length of the longest sentence in the lattice. """ if isinstance(lat, _fst.LatticeVectorFst): return _lat_fun._longest_sentence_length_in_lattice(lat) else: return _lat_fun._longest_sentence_length_in_compact_lattice(lat)
__all__ = [name for name in dir() if name[0] != '_' and not name.endswith('Base')]