Source code for kaldi.gmm

from ._model_common import *
from ._diag_gmm import *
from ._full_gmm import *
from . import _full_gmm_ext
from ._full_gmm_normal import *
from ._mle_diag_gmm import *
from ._mle_full_gmm import *

from . import am

from .. import matrix as _matrix
from kaldi.matrix import _matrix_wrapper
from kaldi.matrix.packed import _sp_matrix_wrapper

[docs]class DiagGmm(_diag_gmm.DiagGmm): """Gaussian Mixture Model with diagonal covariances. Args: nmix (int): Number of Gaussians to mix dim (int): Dimension of each component """ def __init__(self, nmix = 0, dim = 0): """Creates a new DiagGmm with specified number of gaussian mixtures and dimensions. Args: nmix (int): number of gaussian to mix dim (int): dimension """ super(DiagGmm, self).__init__() if nmix < 0 or dim < 0: raise ValueError("nmix and dimension must be a positive integer.") if nmix > 0 and dim > 0: self.resize(nmix, dim)
[docs] def copy(self, src): """Copies data from src into this DiagGmm and returns this DiagGmm. Args: src (FullGmm or DiagGmm): Source Gmm to copy Returns: This DiagGmm after update. """ if isinstance(src, FullGmm): self.copy_from_full(src) elif isinstance(src, DiagGmm): self.copy_from_diag(src) else: raise ValueError("src must be either FullGmm or DiagGmm") return self
[docs] def component_posteriors(self, data): """Computes the posterior probabilities of all Gaussian components given a data point. Args: data (VectorBase): Data point with the same dimension as each component. Returns: 2-element tuple containing - **loglike** (:class:`float`): Log-likelihood - **posteriors** (:class:`~kaldi.matrix.Vector`): Vector with the posterior probabilities Raises: ValueError if data is not consistent with gmm dimension. """ if data.dim != self.dim(): raise ValueError("data dimension {} does not match gmm dimension {}" .format(data.dim, self.dim())) posteriors = _matrix.Vector(self.num_gauss()) loglike = self._component_posteriors(data, posteriors) return loglike, posteriors
[docs]class FullGmm(_full_gmm.FullGmm): """Python wrapper for Kaldi::FullGmm<Float> Provides a more pythonic access to the C++ methods. Args: nmix (int): number of gaussian to mix dim (int): dimension of each gaussian Raises: ValueError if nmix or dimension are not positive integers. """ def __init__(self, nmix = 0, dim = 0): """Creates a new FullGmm with specified number of gaussian mixtures and dimensions. Args: nmix (int): number of gaussian to mix dim (int): dimension """ super(FullGmm, self).__init__() if nmix < 0 or dim < 0: raise ValueError("nmix and dimension must be a positive integer.") if nmix > 0 and dim > 0: self.resize(nmix, dim)
[docs] def copy(self, src): """Copies data from src into this FullGmm and returns this FullGmm. Args: src (FullGmm or DiagGmm): Source Gmm to copy Returns: This FullGmm after update. """ if isinstance(src, FullGmm): self.copy_from_full(src) elif isinstance(src, DiagGmm): _full_gmm_ext.copy_from_diag(self, src) else: raise ValueError("src must be either FullGmm or DiagGmm") return self
[docs] def component_posteriors(self, data): """Computes the posterior probabilities of all Gaussian components given a data point. Args: data (VectorBase): Data point with the same dimension as each component. Returns: 2-element tuple containing - **loglike** (:class:`float`): Log-likelihood - **posteriors** (:class:`~kaldi.matrix.Vector`): Vector with the posterior probabilities Raises: ValueError if data is not consistent with gmm dimension. """ if data.dim != self.dim(): raise ValueError("data dimension {} does not match gmm dimension {}" .format(data.dim, self.dim())) posteriors = _matrix.Vector(self.num_gauss()) loglike = self._component_posteriors(data, posteriors) return loglike, posteriors
[docs] def set_weights(self, weights): """Sets gmm mixture weights.""" if not isinstance(weights, _matrix.Vector): weights = _matrix.Vector(weights) self._set_weights(weights)
[docs] def set_means(self, means): """Sets gmm component means.""" if not isinstance(means, _matrix.Matrix): means = _matrix.Matrix(means) self._set_means(means)
[docs] def inv_covars(self): """ Returns: Component inverse covariances """ return [_sp_matrix_wrapper(sp) for sp in self._inv_covars()]
[docs] def get_covars(self): """ Returns: Component Covariances """ return [_sp_matrix_wrapper(sp) for sp in self._get_covars()]
[docs] def get_covars_and_means(self): """ Returns: Component Covariances """ covars, means = self._get_covars_and_means() covars = [_sp_matrix_wrapper(sp) for sp in covars] means = _matrix_wrapper(means) return covars, means
################################################################################ __all__ = [name for name in dir() if name[0] != '_' and not name.endswith('Base')]