Source code for kaldi.decoder._compiler

from .. import fstext as _fst

from ._training_graph_compiler import *
from ._training_graph_compiler_ext import *

[docs]class TrainingGraphCompiler(TrainingGraphCompiler): """Training graph compiler.""" def __init__(self, trans_model, ctx_dep, lex_fst, disambig_syms, opts): """ Args: trans_model (TransitionModel): Transition model `H`. ctx_dep (ContextDependency): Context dependency model `C`. lex_fst (StdVectorFst): Lexicon `L`. disambig_syms (List[int]): Disambiguation symbols. opts (TrainingGraphCompilerOptions): Compiler options. """ super(TrainingGraphCompiler, self).__init__( trans_model, ctx_dep, lex_fst, disambig_syms, opts) # keep references to these objects to keep them in scope self._trans_model = trans_model self._ctx_dep = ctx_dep self._lex_fst = lex_fst
[docs] def compile_graph(self, word_fst): """Compiles a single training graph from a weighted acceptor. Args: word_fst (StdVectorFst): Weighted acceptor `G` at the word level. Returns: StdVectorFst: The training graph `HCLG`. """ ofst = super(TrainingGraphCompiler, self).compile_graph(word_fst) return _fst.StdVectorFst(ofst)
[docs] def compile_graphs(self, word_fsts): """Compiles training graphs from weighted acceptors. Args: word_fsts (List[StdVectorFst]): Weighted acceptors at the word level. Returns: List[StdVectorFst]: The training graphs. """ ofsts = super(TrainingGraphCompiler, self).compile_graphs(word_fsts) for i, fst in enumerate(ofsts): ofsts[i] = _fst.StdVectorFst(fst) return ofsts
[docs] def compile_graph_from_text(self, transcript): """Compiles a single training graph from a transcript. Args: transcript (List[int]): The input transcript. Returns: StdVectorFst: The training graph `HCLG`. """ ofst = super(TrainingGraphCompiler, self).compile_graph_from_text(transcript) return _fst.StdVectorFst(ofst)
[docs] def compile_graphs_from_text(self, transcripts): """Compiles training graphs from transcripts. Args: transcripts (List[List[int]]): The input transcripts. Returns: List[StdVectorFst]: The training graphs. """ ofsts = super(TrainingGraphCompiler, self).compile_graphs_from_text(transcripts) for i, fst in enumerate(ofsts): ofsts[i] = _fst.StdVectorFst(fst) return ofsts
__all__ = [name for name in dir() if name[0] != '_' and not name.endswith('Base')]