Source code for kaldi.alignment

from __future__ import division

from .base import io as _base_io
from . import decoder as _dec
from . import fstext as _fst
from .fstext import utils as _fst_utils
from .gmm import am as _gmm_am
from . import hmm as _hmm
from .lat import align as _lat_align
from .lat import functions as _lat_funcs
from .matrix import _kaldi_matrix
from . import nnet3 as _nnet3
from . import tree as _tree
from .util import io as _util_io

__all__ = ['Aligner', 'MappedAligner', 'GmmAligner', 'NnetAligner']

[docs]class Aligner(object): """Speech aligner. This can be used to align transition-id log-likelihood matrices with reference texts. Args: transition_model (TransitionModel): The transition model. tree (ContextDependency): The phonetic decision tree. lexicon (StdFst): The lexicon FST. symbols (SymbolTable): The symbol table. If provided, "text" output of :meth:`decode` includes symbols instead of integer indices. disambig_symbols (List[int]): Disambiguation symbols. graph_compiler_opts (TrainingGraphCompilerOptions): Configuration options for graph compiler. beam (float): Decoding beam used in alignment. transition_scale (float): The scale on non-self-loop transition probabilities. self_loop_scale (float): The scale on self-loop transition probabilities. acoustic_scale (float): Acoustic score scale. """ def __init__(self, transition_model, tree, lexicon, symbols=None, disambig_symbols=None, graph_compiler_opts=None, beam=200.0, transition_scale=1.0, self_loop_scale=1.0, acoustic_scale=0.1): self.transition_model = transition_model self.symbols = symbols if not graph_compiler_opts: graph_compiler_opts = _dec.TrainingGraphCompilerOptions() self.graph_compiler = _dec.TrainingGraphCompiler( transition_model, tree, lexicon, disambig_symbols, graph_compiler_opts) self.decoder_opts = _dec.FasterDecoderOptions() self.decoder_opts.beam = beam self.transition_scale = transition_scale self.self_loop_scale = self_loop_scale self.acoustic_scale = acoustic_scale
[docs] @staticmethod def read_tree(tree_rxfilename): """Reads phonetic decision tree from an extended filename. Returns: ContextDependency: Phonetic decision tree. """ tree = _tree.ContextDependency() with _util_io.xopen(tree_rxfilename) as ki:, ki.binary) return tree
[docs] @staticmethod def read_lexicon(lexicon_rxfilename): """Reads lexicon FST from an extended filename. Returns: StdFst: Lexicon FST. """ return _fst.read_fst_kaldi(lexicon_rxfilename)
[docs] @staticmethod def read_symbols(symbols_filename): """Reads symbol table from file. Returns: SymbolTable: Symbol table. """ if symbols_filename is None: return None else: return _fst.SymbolTable.read_text(symbols_filename)
[docs] @staticmethod def read_disambig_symbols(disambig_rxfilename): """Reads disambiguation symbols from an extended filename. Returns: List[int]: List of disambiguation symbols. """ if disambig_rxfilename is None: return None else: with _util_io.xopen(disambig_rxfilename, "rt") as ki: return [int(line.strip()) for line in ki]
[docs] @staticmethod def read_model(model_rxfilename): """Reads transition model from an extended filename. Returns: TransitionModel: Transition model. """ with _util_io.xopen(model_rxfilename) as ki: return _hmm.TransitionModel().read(, ki.binary)
[docs] @classmethod def from_files(cls, model_rxfilename, tree_rxfilename, lexicon_rxfilename, symbols_filename=None, disambig_rxfilename=None, graph_compiler_opts=None, beam=200.0, transition_scale=1.0, self_loop_scale=1.0, acoustic_scale=0.1): """Constructs a new GMM aligner from given files. Args: model_rxfilename (str): Extended filename for reading the transition model. tree_rxfilename (str): Extended filename for reading the phonetic decision tree. lexicon_rxfilename (str): Extended filename for reading the lexicon FST. symbols_filename (str): The symbols file. If provided, "text" input of :meth:`align` should include symbols instead of integer indices. disambig_rxfilename (str): Extended filename for reading the list of disambiguation symbols. graph_compiler_opts (TrainingGraphCompilerOptions): Configuration options for graph compiler. beam (float): Decoding beam used in alignment. transition_scale (float): The scale on non-self-loop transition probabilities. self_loop_scale (float): The scale on self-loop transition probabilities. acoustic_scale (float): Acoustic score scale. Returns: A new aligner object. """ transition_model = cls.read_model(model_rxfilename) tree = cls.read_tree(tree_rxfilename) lexicon = cls.read_lexicon(lexicon_rxfilename) symbols = cls.read_symbols(symbols_filename) disambig_symbols = cls.read_disambig_symbols(disambig_rxfilename) return cls(transition_model, tree, lexicon, symbols, disambig_symbols, graph_compiler_opts, beam, transition_scale, self_loop_scale, acoustic_scale)
def _make_decodable(self, loglikes): """Constructs a new decodable object from input log-likelihoods. Args: loglikes (object): Input log-likelihoods. Returns: DecodableMatrixScaled: A decodable object for computing scaled log-likelihoods. """ if loglikes.num_rows == 0: raise ValueError("Empty loglikes matrix.") return _dec.DecodableMatrixScaled(loglikes, self.acoustic_scale)
[docs] def align(self, input, text): """Aligns input with text. Output is a dictionary with the following `(key, value)` pairs: ================ =========================== =========================== key value value type ================ =========================== =========================== "alignment" Frame-level alignment `List[int]` "best_path" Best lattice path `CompactLattice` "likelihood" Log-likelihood of best path `float` "weight" Cost of best path `LatticeWeight` ================ =========================== =========================== If :attr:`symbols` is ``None``, the "text" input should be a string of space separated integer indices. Otherwise it should be a string of space separated symbols. The "weight" output is a lattice weight consisting of (graph-score, acoustic-score). Args: input (object): Input to align. text (str): Reference text to align. Returns: A dictionary representing alignment output. Raises: RuntimeError: If alignment fails. """ if self.symbols: words = _fst.symbols_to_indices(self.symbols, text.split()) else: words = text.split() graph = self.graph_compiler.compile_graph_from_text(words) _hmm.add_transition_probs(self.transition_model, [], self.transition_scale, self.self_loop_scale, graph) decoder = _dec.FasterDecoder(graph, self.decoder_opts) decoder.decode(self._make_decodable(input)) if not decoder.reached_final(): raise RuntimeError("No final state was active on the last frame.") try: best_path = decoder.get_best_path() except RuntimeError: raise RuntimeError("Empty alignment output.") ali, _, weight = _fst_utils.get_linear_symbol_sequence(best_path) likelihood = - (weight.value1 + weight.value2) if self.acoustic_scale != 0.0: scale = _fst_utils.acoustic_lattice_scale(1.0 / self.acoustic_scale) _fst_utils.scale_lattice(scale, best_path) best_path = _fst_utils.convert_lattice_to_compact_lattice(best_path) return { "alignment": ali, "best_path": best_path, "likelihood": likelihood, "weight": weight }
[docs] def to_phone_alignment(self, alignment, phones=None): """Converts frame-level alignment to phone-level alignment. Args: alignment (List[int]): Frame-level alignment. phones (SymbolTable): The phone symbol table. If provided, output includes symbols instead of integer indices. Returns: List[Tuple[int,int,int]]: A list of triplets representing, for each phone in the input, the phone index/symbol, the begin time (in frames) and the duration (in frames). """ success, split_ali = _hmm.split_to_phones(self.transition_model, alignment) if not success: raise RuntimeError("Alignment phone split failed.") phone_start, phone_alignment = 0, [] for entry in split_ali: phone = self.transition_model.transition_id_to_phone(entry[0]) if phones: phone = phones.find_symbol(phone) phone_duration = len(entry) phone_alignment.append((phone, phone_start, phone_duration)) phone_start += phone_duration return phone_alignment
[docs] def to_word_alignment(self, best_path, word_boundary_info): """Converts best alignment path to word-level alignment. Args: best_path (CompactLattice): Best alignment path. word_boundary_info (WordBoundaryInfo): Word boundary information. Returns: List[Tuple[int,int,int]]: A list of triplets representing, for each word in the input, the word index/symbol, the begin time (in frames) and the duration (in frames). The zero/epsilon words correspond to optional silences. """ success, best_path = _lat_align.word_align_lattice( best_path, self.transition_model, word_boundary_info, 0) if not success: raise RuntimeError("Lattice word alignment failed.") word_alignment = _lat_funcs.compact_lattice_to_word_alignment(best_path) if self.symbols: mapper = lambda x: (self.symbols.find_symbol(x[0]), x[1], x[2]) else: mapper = lambda x: x return list(map(mapper, zip(*word_alignment)))
[docs]class MappedAligner(Aligner): """Mapped speech aligner. This can be used to align phone-id log-likelihood matrices with reference texts. Args: transition_model (TransitionModel): The transition model. tree (ContextDependency): The phonetic decision tree. lexicon (StdFst): The lexicon FST. symbols (SymbolTable): The symbol table. If provided, "text" output of :meth:`decode` includes symbols instead of integer indices. disambig_symbols (List[int]): Disambiguation symbols. graph_compiler_opts (TrainingGraphCompilerOptions): Configuration options for graph compiler. beam (float): Decoding beam used in alignment. transition_scale (float): The scale on non-self-loop transition probabilities. self_loop_scale (float): The scale on self-loop transition probabilities. acoustic_scale (float): Acoustic score scale. """ def _make_decodable(self, loglikes): """Constructs a new decodable object from input log-likelihoods. Args: loglikes (object): Input log-likelihoods. Returns: DecodableMatrixScaledMapped: A decodable object for computing scaled log-likelihoods. """ if loglikes.num_rows == 0: raise ValueError("Empty loglikes matrix.") return _dec.DecodableMatrixScaledMapped(self.transition_model, loglikes, self.acoustic_scale)
[docs]class GmmAligner(Aligner): """GMM based speech aligner. This can be used to align feature matrices with reference texts. Args: transition_model (TransitionModel): The transition model. acoustic_model (AmDiagGmm): The acoustic model. tree (ContextDependency): The phonetic decision tree. lexicon (StdFst): The lexicon FST. symbols (SymbolTable): The symbol table. If provided, "text" input of :meth:`align` should include symbols instead of integer indices. disambig_symbols (List[int]): Disambiguation symbols. graph_compiler_opts (TrainingGraphCompilerOptions): Configuration options for graph compiler. beam (float): Decoding beam used in alignment. transition_scale (float): The scale on non-self-loop transition probabilities. self_loop_scale (float): The scale on self-loop transition probabilities. acoustic_scale (float): Acoustic score scale. """ def __init__(self, transition_model, acoustic_model, tree, lexicon, symbols=None, disambig_symbols=None, graph_compiler_opts=None, beam=200.0, transition_scale=1.0, self_loop_scale=1.0, acoustic_scale=0.1): if not isinstance(acoustic_model, _gmm_am.AmDiagGmm): raise TypeError("acoustic_model should be a AmDiagGmm object") self.acoustic_model = acoustic_model super(GmmAligner, self).__init__(transition_model, tree, lexicon, symbols, disambig_symbols, graph_compiler_opts, beam, transition_scale, self_loop_scale, acoustic_scale)
[docs] @staticmethod def read_model(model_rxfilename): """Reads model from an extended filename. Returns: Tuple[TransitionModel, AmDiagGmm]: A (transition model, acoustic model) pair. """ with _util_io.xopen(model_rxfilename) as ki: transition_model = _hmm.TransitionModel().read(, ki.binary) acoustic_model = _gmm_am.AmDiagGmm().read(, ki.binary) return transition_model, acoustic_model
[docs] @classmethod def from_files(cls, model_rxfilename, tree_rxfilename, lexicon_rxfilename, symbols_filename=None, disambig_rxfilename=None, graph_compiler_opts=None, beam=200.0, transition_scale=1.0, self_loop_scale=1.0, acoustic_scale=0.1): """Constructs a new GMM aligner from given files. Args: model_rxfilename (str): Extended filename for reading the model. tree_rxfilename (str): Extended filename for reading the phonetic decision tree. lexicon_rxfilename (str): Extended filename for reading the lexicon FST. symbols_filename (str): The symbols file. If provided, "text" input of :meth:`align` should include symbols instead of integer indices. disambig_rxfilename (str): Extended filename for reading the list of disambiguation symbols. graph_compiler_opts (TrainingGraphCompilerOptions): Configuration options for graph compiler. beam (float): Decoding beam used in alignment. transition_scale (float): The scale on non-self-loop transition probabilities. self_loop_scale (float): The scale on self-loop transition probabilities. acoustic_scale (float): Acoustic score scale. Returns: A new aligner object. """ transition_model, acoustic_model = cls.read_model(model_rxfilename) tree = cls.read_tree(tree_rxfilename) lexicon = cls.read_lexicon(lexicon_rxfilename) symbols = cls.read_symbols(symbols_filename) disambig_symbols = cls.read_disambig_symbols(disambig_rxfilename) return cls(transition_model, acoustic_model, tree, lexicon, symbols, disambig_symbols, graph_compiler_opts, beam, transition_scale, self_loop_scale, acoustic_scale)
def _make_decodable(self, features): """Constructs a new decodable object from input features. Args: features (object): Input features. Returns: DecodableAmDiagGmmScaled: A decodable object for computing scaled log-likelihoods. """ if features.num_rows == 0: raise ValueError("Empty feature matrix.") return _gmm_am.DecodableAmDiagGmmScaled(self.acoustic_model, self.transition_model, features, self.acoustic_scale)
[docs]class NnetAligner(Aligner): """Neural network based speech aligner. This can be used to align feature matrices with reference texts. Args: transition_model (TransitionModel): The transition model. acoustic_model (AmNnetSimple): The acoustic model. tree (ContextDependency): The phonetic decision tree. lexicon (StdFst): The lexicon FST. symbols (SymbolTable): The symbol table. If provided, "text" input of :meth:`align` should include symbols instead of integer indices. disambig_symbols (List[int]): Disambiguation symbols. graph_compiler_opts (TrainingGraphCompilerOptions): Configuration options for graph compiler. beam (float): Decoding beam used in alignment. transition_scale (float): The scale on non-self-loop transition probabilities. self_loop_scale (float): The scale on self-loop transition probabilities. decodable_opts (NnetSimpleComputationOptions): Configuration options for simple nnet3 am decodable objects. online_ivector_period (int): Onlne ivector period. Relevant only if online ivectors are used. """ def __init__(self, transition_model, acoustic_model, tree, lexicon, symbols=None, disambig_symbols=None, graph_compiler_opts=None, beam=200.0, transition_scale=1.0, self_loop_scale=1.0, decodable_opts=None, online_ivector_period=10): if not isinstance(acoustic_model, _nnet3.AmNnetSimple): raise TypeError("acoustic_model should be a AmNnetSimple object") self.acoustic_model = acoustic_model nnet = self.acoustic_model.get_nnet() _nnet3.set_batchnorm_test_mode(True, nnet) _nnet3.set_dropout_test_mode(True, nnet) _nnet3.collapse_model(_nnet3.CollapseModelConfig(), nnet) if decodable_opts: if not isinstance(decodable_opts, _nnet3.NnetSimpleComputationOptions): raise TypeError("decodable_opts should be either None or a " "NnetSimpleComputationOptions object") self.decodable_opts = decodable_opts else: self.decodable_opts = _nnet3.NnetSimpleComputationOptions() self.compiler = _nnet3.CachingOptimizingCompiler.new_with_optimize_opts( nnet, self.decodable_opts.optimize_config) self.online_ivector_period = online_ivector_period super(NnetAligner, self).__init__(transition_model, tree, lexicon, symbols, disambig_symbols, graph_compiler_opts, beam, transition_scale, self_loop_scale, self.decodable_opts.acoustic_scale)
[docs] @staticmethod def read_model(model_rxfilename): """Reads model from an extended filename. Returns: Tuple[TransitionModel, AmNnetSimple]: A (transition model, acoustic model) pair. """ with _util_io.xopen(model_rxfilename) as ki: transition_model = _hmm.TransitionModel().read(, ki.binary) acoustic_model = _nnet3.AmNnetSimple().read(, ki.binary) return transition_model, acoustic_model
[docs] @classmethod def from_files(cls, model_rxfilename, tree_rxfilename, lexicon_rxfilename, symbols_filename=None, disambig_rxfilename=None, graph_compiler_opts=None, beam=200.0, transition_scale=1.0, self_loop_scale=1.0, decodable_opts=None, online_ivector_period=10): """Constructs a new nnet3 aligner from given files. Args: model_rxfilename (str): Extended filename for reading the model. tree_rxfilename (str): Extended filename for reading the phonetic decision tree. lexicon_rxfilename (str): Extended filename for reading the lexicon FST. symbols_filename (str): The symbols file. If provided, "text" input of :meth:`align` should include symbols instead of integer indices. disambig_rxfilename (str): Extended filename for reading the list of disambiguation symbols. graph_compiler_opts (TrainingGraphCompilerOptions): Configuration options for graph compiler. beam (float): Decoding beam used in alignment. transition_scale (float): The scale on non-self-loop transition probabilities. self_loop_scale (float): The scale on self-loop transition probabilities. decodable_opts (NnetSimpleComputationOptions): Configuration options for simple nnet3 am decodable objects. online_ivector_period (int): Onlne ivector period. Relevant only if online ivectors are used. Returns: A new aligner object. """ transition_model, acoustic_model = cls.read_model(model_rxfilename) tree = cls.read_tree(tree_rxfilename) lexicon = cls.read_lexicon(lexicon_rxfilename) disambig_symbols = cls.read_disambig_symbols(disambig_rxfilename) symbols = cls.read_symbols(symbols_filename) return cls(transition_model, acoustic_model, tree, lexicon, symbols, disambig_symbols, graph_compiler_opts, beam, transition_scale, self_loop_scale, decodable_opts, online_ivector_period)
def _make_decodable(self, features): """Constructs a new decodable object from input features. Input can be just a feature matrix or a tuple of a feature matrix and an ivector or a tuple of a feature matrix and an online ivector matrix. Args: features (Matrix or Tuple[Matrix, Vector] or Tuple[Matrix, Matrix]): Input features. Returns: DecodableAmNnetSimple: A decodable object for computing scaled log-likelihoods. """ ivector, online_ivectors = None, None if isinstance(features, tuple): features, ivector_features = features if isinstance(ivector_features, _kaldi_matrix.MatrixBase): online_ivectors = ivector_features else: ivector = ivector_features if features.num_rows == 0: raise ValueError("Empty feature matrix.") return _nnet3.DecodableAmNnetSimple( self.decodable_opts, self.transition_model, self.acoustic_model, features, ivector, online_ivectors, self.online_ivector_period, self.compiler)